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Thread: Couple of questions on your opinion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Couple of questions on your opinion

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    Hey Jordan! Was wondering if I could get your opinion on where people store their bodyfat. For instance I've been lifting for about a year now and I've never really done a bodyfat skinfold test but anyways I'm starting to notice my belly is getting a little plump. I understand to not worry about seeing your abs and what not since I'm not a bodybuilder but I would rather not be walking around like a pot belly pig.(it's not that bad yet and my strength continues to climb but I've got a feeling that muscle gains will level off somewhat)

    Also was wondering what you thought of that paleo for lifters book by Justin lascek?

    I did a bia scale test and was roughly 18% bodyfat though I know this isn't very accurate.

    I am 5 10 193 if that helps any


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Was wondering if I could get your opinion on where people store their bodyfat.
    People store it in all different places, though there is a gynoid (female) and android (male) fat distributions typical of the sexes.

    For instance I've been lifting for about a year now and I've never really done a bodyfat skinfold test but anyways I'm starting to notice my belly is getting a little plump. I understand to not worry about seeing your abs and what not since I'm not a bodybuilder but I would rather not be walking around like a pot belly pig.(it's not that bad yet and my strength continues to climb but I've got a feeling that muscle gains will level off somewhat)
    There's not really a question in here, but if your belly is growing disproportionately to the rest of your body, your nutrition is inappropriate for your training, age/sex, body, etc. This doesn't mean to cut a bunch of food out, just clean it up and be a little more accountable with what's actually going in.

    Also was wondering what you thought of that paleo for lifters book by Justin lascek?
    Never read it, but I like Justin. In general, I don't think Paleo, in the sense that most people define it-which is low carb, is appropriate for strength trainees. If you're doing "paleo" with a bunch of good protein sources, potatoes, etc. then that's cool.

    I did a bia scale test and was roughly 18% bodyfat though I know this isn't very accurate.

    I am 5 10 193 if that helps any
    I'm 5'9.5-5'10 and 200 and a BIA I did on Friday told me I was 17%. Do you look like me?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Actually man I do kind of resemble you. I just thought that if strength continued to climb that you were in fact eating an appropriate diet. I mean if you are gaining bodyfat is that actually helping your lifts continue to climb because I thought if you were getting stronger that meant your muscle mass was increasing. I don't know I mean maybe my body is just not that efficient at building muscle compared to the rate of fat accumulating but I realize you have to have an excess of calories to gain muscle.

    The paleo for lifters book suggests that you would need to stay at 150g of carbs a day but maybe more if you do a lot of conditioning/walking or have high activity levels. I am a mailman so I walk about 10 miles a day so I try to get a lt of carbs at this suggestion maybe I should tone that down.(every day I drink an amplified mass xxx which is about 750 cals and loaded with carbs). So my question is do you think this is appropriate?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Brockton, MA


    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Feigenbaum View Post
    I'm 5'9.5-5'10 and 200 and a BIA I did on Friday told me I was 17%. Do you look like me?
    No homo, but I have a difficult time believing you're 17%. We all know how BIA sucks but if you're 17% then I'm 68%.

  5. #5
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Larousse View Post
    Actually man I do kind of resemble you. I just thought that if strength continued to climb that you were in fact eating an appropriate diet. I mean if you are gaining bodyfat is that actually helping your lifts continue to climb because I thought if you were getting stronger that meant your muscle mass was increasing. I don't know I mean maybe my body is just not that efficient at building muscle compared to the rate of fat accumulating but I realize you have to have an excess of calories to gain muscle.
    The body fat in and of itself isn't helping your leverages that much (it does to a degree based in some areas, hurts in others) , but the concomitant gain of LBM helps, in addition to eating to gain weight providing substantial fuel for your efforts. You don't "have to have excess calories to gain muscle", technically, but outside of a few special situations this is the case, in general. I'm just being a pedantic twat. Sorry.

    Also, I was kidding about looking like me, though maybe you do?

    The paleo for lifters book suggests that you would need to stay at 150g of carbs a day but maybe more if you do a lot of conditioning/walking or have high activity levels. I am a mailman so I walk about 10 miles a day so I try to get a lt of carbs at this suggestion maybe I should tone that down.(every day I drink an amplified mass xxx which is about 750 cals and loaded with carbs). So my question is do you think this is appropriate?
    150g is pitifully low for a strength athlete. If your drink has another 150g of carbs in it, that might be okay, though I probably wouldn't have it all at once. That being said, I'm averaging a little over 550g of carbs everyday. Since you look like me, that might be

    Quote Originally Posted by tnumrych View Post
    No homo, but I have a difficult time believing you're 17%. We all know how BIA sucks but if you're 17% then I'm 68%.
    Just goes to show you how bad BIA is. For reference:


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Brockton, MA


    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Feigenbaum View Post
    Just goes to show you how bad BIA is. For reference:

    What are the corresponding %s for each of those?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by tnumrych View Post
    What are the corresponding %s for each of those?
    12% (left) and 17% (right) on BIA. Dexa was all over the place around the time of the left, as low as 8% IIRC. Haven't done another DEXA scan because I don't care.

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