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Thread: Texas Method for 1200 total @175 by years End

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Texas Method for 1200 total @175 by years End

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Like the title states, I am wanting a 1200 total by years end with the goal of competing in my first powerlifting competition in the 181 weight class. My current stats are as follows:

    raw squat: 430*
    raw bench: 285**
    con. deadlift: 465

    *You can view the video on the SS Lifter Rankings. I stop just above //. I have dropped weight and reworked my squat to correct that.
    **The bench was touch and go. I am transitioning to a paused bench.

    My Targets for my lifts are:

    raw squat: 415
    paused bench: 285
    con. deadlift: 500

    I am using the following Texas method Template:

    Monday: Rest
    Tuesday: Volume
    Squat 5x5
    P. Bench 5x5
    BB rows 5x5
    Wednesay: Rest
    Thursday: Moderate
    Deadlift ramping 4x5
    Press 4x5
    DB Press 2x10
    Paused Squat 3x5
    Friday: Assistance
    Chinup 50 total reps
    In. situp 50 total reps
    BB. Curls 3x8
    F. Walk 4x15sec
    Saturday: Intensity
    Squat ramping 4x5
    P. Bench Ramping 4x5
    P. Snatch 5x3
    Sunday: Assistance
    Chinup 50 total reps
    GHR 3x? (as many as I can get)
    CG Press 3x8
    F. Walk 4x15sec

    When the 5RM gets too much to handle, I will do a 3RM on the ramping sets. I will reset once the 3RM progression runs its course.

    I'm starting this log to help keep me honest and motivated. Any suggestions or comments will be appreciated.
    Last edited by aurelius; 10-22-2013 at 02:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Week 1 Results:

    Tuesday: Volume
    Squat 5x5 300
    P. Bench 5x5 190
    BB rows 5x5 190
    Thursday: Moderate
    Deadlift 5@275/315/355/395
    Press 4x5 150
    DB Press 2x10 50
    P. Squat 3x5 275
    Friday: Assistance
    Chinup 13/12/10/8/7
    In. situp 15/15/10/10
    BB. Curls 3x8 80
    F. Walk 4x15s 180 (90# DB's)
    Saturday: Intensity
    Squat 5@265/300/340 3@375
    P. Bench 170/190/215/240
    P. Snatch 5x3 130
    Sunday: Assistance
    Chinup 13/12/8/7/5/5
    GHR 3x? 5/5/4
    CG Press 3x8 135
    F. Walk 4x15s 180 (90# DB's)
    Last edited by aurelius; 10-22-2013 at 02:21 PM. Reason: Formatting

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Week 2 Results:

    Tuesday: Volume
    Squat 5x5 305
    P. Bench 5x5 195
    BB rows 5x5 195
    Thursday: Moderate
    Deadlift 5@275/315/365 3-405
    Press 4x5 155
    *Back tightend up during deadlifts. Probably due to a poor warmup.
    Friday: Assistance
    Chinup 14/13/10/7/6
    In. situp 15/15/10/10
    DB. Curls 3x8 25
    F. Walk 4x15s 180 (95# DB's)
    Saturday: Intensity
    Squat 5@265/300/340 1@380
    P. Bench 5@170/190/215 3@245
    *Back still wonky from Thursday. Did not push myself and cut short.
    Sunday: Assistance
    *Took Saturday as rest day to heal up.

    Had an off week. I will continue my progression on volume day but repeat my lifts from last week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    I have had a dull ache or pain on the outside of my left thigh to my knee for some time with occasional numbness. Thought it was just normal growing pains but it has persisted. So I Googled it and meralgia paresthetica matches the symptoms. So I am switching up from Texas Method to a 5/1 program that someone else put forth on this board for a less aggressive approach. I hope the decrease in training volume will give it time to heal or whatever it needs to do. If anyone else has had similar issues, I would appreciate any help. I'm male, 32 years of age if that is relevant.

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