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Thread: Squat form check, 295#

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Squat form check, 295#

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Work sets at 295lbs. I think I need to go a bit deeper, and it also looks like the bar tracks forwards a bit on some of the reps. My feet are spaced a bit wider than shoulder width and toes out about 30 degrees. Maybe shoving the toes/knees out to 45degrees would help the above issues? Also, apologies for the black t-shirt, didn't think about it till after I took the first video, and didn't want to go change mid-workout.

    A little background info: I first tried SS as a true novice last year. I went at it for 3 months while GOMADing. 24 years old, 6'1", body weight went from 170->220 lbs.

    SQ 135->240
    PR 75->115
    BP 75->150
    DL 135->275
    PC 65->135

    I stopped due to the usual excuses: girlfriend upset about the excess fat/ constant gas from the milk, running for soccer, training partner hurting his hip flexor/leaving me to train alone.

    Six months ago I started going to the university gym with another grad student who has far more impressive lifts than myself. He follows more of a bro-science based program, which I joined in with for a while. I did manage to convince him to squat often. That tapered off due to finals, holidays etc.

    Anyway I'm following SS again, without the GOMAD. Trying to increase my caloric intake with fatty meats. Its been a solid month(no missed days) and I figure I'd ask the community to criticize my form now before I hurt myself. Bodyweight 195->205 lbs.

    SQ 240->295
    PR 115->125
    BP 145->175
    DL 245->305
    PC 115->165

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Stand all the way up. You're cutting yourself short at the top. Fully extend your knees and hips. Otherwise they look good. Buy some proper weightlifting shoes and your depth and rebound will be perfect.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Depth looked mostly good. By the third set I would have called a couple of them just parallel, but I think reps 3 and 4 of the third set were also below parallel. I'm just refining my idea of depth though, so interested to hear what others say.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cedar Point, NC


    I only watched the first set. Take a careful look at your bar path - it really degrades as the set progresses, and it was not good to start with. You are QUICK through the reps and the set, but your knees never really get set and thus drift forward at the bottom. Slow that puppy down! After you initiate the rep, your knees should find their position about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way down as your butt reaches back to accommodate keeping the bar of the middle of the foot and in a vertical line.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Thanks for the input.
    Completing the rep by fully extending shouldn't be too tough to fix.

    Slowing the descent is a bit intimidating. I feel like I get more out of the stretch reflex if I keep the rebound quick, but the bar path is definitely a problem. I'll try to slow it down today, and really focus on maintaining posture so that the bar doesn't get forward on the ascent.

    Regarding the knees, I do see that they are a bit forward of the toes, but some reps where I really focus on sitting back, I almost feel like I'm losing balance backwards. Perhaps it corresponds to lifting the upper body too quickly... I'll go reread the squat chapter.

    Again, many thanks for the pointers. I want to keep improving the movement, rather then ingrain bad form.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cedar Point, NC


    starting strength coach development program
    Slowing down doesn't necessarily mean crawl down, rather, control the descent...a little. Stretch reflex will be there. Knees forward of the toes is ok based on anthropometric proportions, sliding forward after about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way down is not...

    If you feel like you are falling back, you are not over the middle of the foot, your weight should be balanced over the middle foot with the bar over the middle of the foot. To compensate for the "falling back" feeling you have to lean more at the hips. Ride that lean to keep the bar over the middle of the foot while sitting back with your hips. Re-reading the squat chapter always helps me.

    Hope this helps.

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