Are you trying to lose weight or get stronger?
Hi Everyone,
I need a new program to break through my plateau. I tried the 5x5 paradigm; but, I quickly reached a point where I was not making gains in strength or mass.
The weakest part of my body is my core. I would especially like to work hard on my obliques. (as they're so weak that it looks like I have love-handles, even though it's just weak ab muscles).
What I want:
New workout plan that also includes how much cardio to do, as well as the type of cardio to do (e.g. HIIT or long/slow cardio).
I've been lifting for over ten years, taking plenty of supplements along the way and thoroughly learning about nutrition.
While I was a chubby kid, and still gain body fat fairly easily, I am a "hardgainer" in the sense of having a very hard time gaining strength and muscle mass.
Right now, my max bench press is around 245 lbs (I think I can do that twice, on a well-rested day). My max squat is around that. I can do about 6-8 pull-ups.
What do you guys suggest?
Are you trying to lose weight or get stronger?
God there's a lot to tackle here. I'm gonna make it easy: buy Practical Programming, read it, start with the novice program and progress from there.
I'm curious to know how you've determined your "core" is so weak? Just because it looks like you have love handles does not mean your obliques are weak. I have love handles, I can assure you my obliques (and my abs) are not weak.
Unless you have a particular reason for it (i.e. training for something, job, etc) there is no need to do "cardio," especially with the goals of strength and mass. And no, "general health" and "keeping the fat down" are not good reasons. Check your diet.
If you've "thoroughly learned about nutrition," you should not have a need for "plenty" of supplements. It's quite simple, if it grew it out the ground, swam in the ocean, was alive at one point, or came out of something alive (think milk, eggs), eat lots of it. If it comes in a box or wrapper, or has ingredients you can't pronounce, probably should avoid it.
Troll +3
I'm lost on the message board lingo. What's a troll?