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Thread: Getting strong like bull - like pimpin - ain't easy

  1. #1
    cutlet# Guest

    Default Getting strong like bull - like pimpin - ain't easy

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    First entry in the training log. Been training for about a year. Started with SL5x5, squatting all wrong, farting around a lot. Been serious about it for 8 months or so. Switched from SS to Madcow about 6 weeks ago.

    31 years old, 6'2'', 235 lbs at the moment
    Estimated 1RMs:
    SQ: 365
    DL: 425
    BP: 255
    P: 155
    I need to learn how to power clean.

  2. #2
    cutlet# Guest


    11/28/2011 - Monday

    Coming back from a vacation week where I only worked out Wednesday (did SQ 305x5 beltless, Dips 67.5x5, DL worked up to 415x1). Left elbow pain is next to nonexistent after the rest.

    SQ 305x5
    Felt form deteriorate on last rep. Lost back extension about half way up.
    Did lots of doorway streches and dislocations before squatting. Arms and elbows were pretty comfortable throughout squatting, and no pain after workout. This is good!

    BP 220x5
    Last rep was tough, but probably had one more in the tank. BP has been progressing nicely for a while now.

    Row 200x5
    Need to learn how to power clean. I don't know how to enforce good form on this lift.

    Chins 6 - 5 - 5
    These felt decent. No elbow pain helps!

    The gym has gotten way busy in the last few weeks. Had a guy ask if I was using the manpon, and then put it on the bar to do 95 lb quarter squats, backwards so he was re-racking the weight behind him.

    Tuesday: Sore glutes and lats. Feels good.

  3. #3
    cutlet# Guest


    11/30/2011 - Wednesday

    SQ 230x2x5
    Elbow got a little irritated during ramp up sets. Tried one of the 230s high bar, which I haven't tried in a while. Didn't seem to make the elbow feel any better, so I went back to low bar for the last set

    OHP 150x5
    Didn't press last week, and the week before that I failed at 147.5, though I may have failed because I was trying the double-layback technique for the first time. That's probably something I need to practice and/or work up to. Was feeling good and decided to press on. Got the set using the old stretch reflex technique, and probably had one left in the tank. I fuggin rule.

    DL 355x5
    This felt really heavy and I got more light headed afterwards than usual.

    Think I'm gonna add curls on Wednesday. Did a set of pronated curls with the empty bar, set of DB hammer curls with 25s, and a set of regulars with the empty bar. The pronated ones seemed to hit my forearm extensors nicely. I think I'll stick with them for a while and see if it helps the golfers elbow.

    Back extensions
    Had never done these before. Did arms across chest for 10, hands behind head for 10, and 10lb fixed barbell on the back for 10. I'll keep doing these, but I wish the gym had a GHR.

    The manpon guy from Monday came up and asked me if I read Men's Health magazine, and then told me about an article he read about Tiki Barber and the "crazy exercises" that he does at some gym in NJ. He didn't say what the crazy exercises were. Manpon guy is weird.

    Thursday: Sore traps. Everything else feels worked but not especially sore.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Seacoast of NH


    Some on here have found that if you pull down during the squat, the elbows fall slightly and can cause pain similar to what you describe. I was having some trouble with my left elbow so I started to focus on keeping and driving the elbows up at the same rate as my hips. I also switched my grip on the DL from L under to R under. This little changes have alleviated my elbow problem (was in left elbow). Just my two cents. Good training to you!

  5. #5
    cutlet# Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by mcclamic View Post
    Some on here have found that if you pull down during the squat, the elbows fall slightly and can cause pain similar to what you describe. I was having some trouble with my left elbow so I started to focus on keeping and driving the elbows up at the same rate as my hips. I also switched my grip on the DL from L under to R under. This little changes have alleviated my elbow problem (was in left elbow). Just my two cents. Good training to you!
    I have terrible shoulder flexibility, so I really can't help applying downward pressure on the bar when I get under it. But I'll try focusing on driving elbows up next time and see if it helps. I just checked out your training log - nice lifts! - did you only recently start feeling pain in your bicep/elbow? How bad is yours and how long does it last after you're done squatting?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Seacoast of NH


    Thanks! I was started to develop the pain within the last month or so. It would last through the workout and a little after if doing deads and pc's, would feel better with the chins that I was doing every other workout.

    For chins, I try to keep my hands about a half a hand width inside my shoulders and go from dead hang. Before lifting I squeeze my trap hard and put an arch into my back. Found it to help keep some of the stress off the elbow and my shoulders. I also switched the supination of my hands from left under to right under. This alone might have had a large influence. Good luck and let us know how it goes!

  7. #7
    cutlet# Guest


    12/2/2011 - Friday

    SQ 310x3
    Felt heavy, but form felt good. Played with my grip a little and found that I have a really hard time getting elbows back when my hands are in as close as I can get them. Widened my grip out to the collars and concentrated on keeping elbows back and driving them up with the hips. Ended up with slightly less elbow discomfort than usual. As of this writing (Monday morning) it doesn't hurt, but feels kind of 'weak' I guess. Nervous about squatting this evening.

    BP 222.5x3
    Not sure if I could have gotten two more. Going for 5 on Monday will be interesting

    Row 202.5x3

    Dips 70x4 + 12@BW
    Been moving up steadily on these, and failed for the first time at 70. Felt like such a beast with two 35s hanging off me, kind of pissed that I missed it.

  8. #8
    cutlet# Guest


    12/5/2011 - Monday

    SQ 310x5
    I've stopped trying to keep my hands in tight and have settled on putting them out near the collars, about 2 inches in. I finished this squatting session with minimal discomfort, keeping wrists straight and elbows back.

    BP 222.5x5
    The last rep went up really slow. Will be gunning for 3 plate squat and 2 plate bench on Friday!

    Row 202.5x5

    Decided to try some power cleans, just based on what I know of how to do them so far. The book is on its way so I'll have more instruction soon. Started out practicing racking the empty bar and worked my way up to doing several reps of 135. After I got past 95lbs, it felt like I was having trouble catching the bar on my shoulders instead of in my hands. I'm sure that will come with practice and repetition.

    Chins 6 - 6 - 5
    These went surprisingly well, especially given that I probably tired my arms out with what I'm sure was terrible Power Clean technique. Concentrated on squeezing my traps and keeping my trunk tight and arched like mcclamic suggested and they felt great. Probably could have gotten 7 on the first two sets.

  9. #9
    cutlet# Guest


    12/7/2011 - Wednesday

    SQ 235x2.5

    OHP 152.5x4

    DL 360x4 360x1
    Left hand under. Got through 4 reps and took a minute break before going for the 5th. My abs and lower back just felt like they were done, and I didn't think I've be able to hit number 5 with good form.

  10. #10
    cutlet# Guest


    starting strength coach development program
    12/9/2011 - Friday

    Two big milestones today. 3 plates on the squat and 2 plates on the bench. I feel like I went from "not weak" to "starting to get strong".

    SQ 315x3, 230x8
    These went up without too much trouble. Thought I'd be more intimidated by those third wheels. Doing 5 on Monday will be a little scarier I'm sure.

    BP 225x3
    Third rep was kinda slow. Gonna have to get real mean to get 5.

    Row 205x3

    Dips 70x4, 11@BW
    Fucking missed fucking 70 again. Fuck.

    PC 95x?
    Practiced PCs for a little bit. Starting to get the hang of transitioning into the rack as fast as possible. Before, I was catching in the hands and moving from there to the rack position, but I think I'm getting there more directly now. More practice is needed, but I've gotten started at least.

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