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Thread: Treatment for Hip Flexor Tendonitis - Clarification Please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Treatment for Hip Flexor Tendonitis - Clarification Please

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    This is of course a topic that has been discussed ad nauseam on this board, however the sheer volume of posts is making it difficult to figure out what exactly to do next.

    Here the basic summary of what I have read: Take ibeuprofen, ice, and most importantly, fix your form...

    BUT I've seen recommendations of both continuing squatting but with proper form and laying off squatting for a few weeks.

    Which is correct? Lay off, or continue? I am starting a reset today anyway after a week off for the holidays.

    Secondly, if I am to lay off, what do I do instead?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    If it is really bothering you, a brief layoff might be tried, but it is unlikely to do so. You are already taking a week off. That's probably good enough. Tendonosis takes a long time to resolve and is really only fixed through form correction, absent some underlying structural issue or pathology. You may need to go a little lighter to keep your knees from going forward. However, once that is burned in, you will probably be on the road to recovery.

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