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Thread: Coup de Todd

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Coup de Todd

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Might as well start one of these online training logs. Hopefully someone will have something worthwhile to offer.

    Yesterday was the last heavy squat day before a planned meet on Saturday 08-07. My main reason to go to the meet is to nail a 495# squat. At my last meet, I handled the weight but got two red lights for depth.

    Yesterday I worked up to 455# for three singles. Then did strip sets of 5x315, 10x225 and 15x135 to make up some volume.

    Press @ 155# for 5, 5, then (3,1,1). Will revisit this weight for next Press session.

    Dumbbell bench/flye/whatever the fuck they're really called. 12x 35, 40, 40#

    Hammer curls 8x 30, 8x 30, 12x 30. First time at 30# dumbbells for this exercise.

    Today did a short morning olympic lifting session working snatches.

    First, snatch balances to work on lowering under the weight once it's caught instead of just slamming to a stop, which is tough on my joints. 1x40kg

    Snatch 3x3x40kg

    Rest of the session called on account of rain. May pick this up in the afternoon if it's dry enough.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Rain cleared and I got to finish my session

    3x50 kg
    70kg x 1,1,1,1,1,1

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Pulled the sled today. 135# on the grass field, from a belt. One lap.

    Here are my thoughts on sled work for the day.

    First, pulling from a belt is vastly different from pulling from the arms or from a harness. I can feel much more work in my hips at the same weight.

    Second, pulling on grass is a motherfucker. Concrete is easier than grass, and blacktop is easier than concrete. But rugby's played on grass, so that's where I'll pull and push. I think I'd rather pull 225# on asphalt than 135# on grass.

    Third, the length of the grass makes a difference too.

    Nonetheless, I always feel better after a sled session. It gets the muscles warm, the blood pumping, and seems to make all the little aches, tweaks and pains go away.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    I've been having some back problems that have kept me out of the gym and will probably be buying a new bed shortly.

    Today I did 6x3 @ 405 working on depth and trying a wider stance to see how it works.

    Press 3x3 @ 155#, kind of weak from taking some time off. Will try same weight for 5x5 next press day.

    DLs worked up to 2x375# then shut down. Back sucks.

    Kid in the squat rack next to me was doing his first day of stronglifts 5x5 gave him a pointer on how to keep his heels down in the squat and proper deadlift setup.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Fucked up schedule today led to me lifting in two abbreviated sessions.

    Session 1 worked up to 405# squats and hit 6x2 working depth.

    Session 2 featured press. My wrists were feeling kind of funky, so I didn't do sets of five. Also, I've been semi-stalled at 155# for fives, so I thought I'd up the weight for singles. Did seven singles at 165, then stripped the bar down to 135 to add in some volume. My wrists didn't like fives at this weight, so I did 6x3 @ 95#, working on speed.

    I don't know what I'll do programming-wise with the press, but since I have a bench session coming up, I have a few days to think about it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    I hate logging, so I've left off a couple of workouts.

    Tonight was olympic lifting.

    3x snatch then
    3x hang snatch at the same weight.

    Started at 40kg, then 45, 50, 55 before my left shoulder started to fail me.

    Clean and jerk started at 55, then 60, 65, 70, 75.

    The problem with jerking is that anything I can get to my shoulders is so light that when I dip-drive, I just launch that shit. I can catch it pretty much standing up, or maybe a couple inches down in a push jerk.

    I don't know if I should be giving it less power on the dip-drive so that it tops-out lower and I can practice getting under it in a split jerk, or if I should just work on getting a rock-solid push-jerk that I'm confident enough to do in competition.

    I have the same problem with cleans in that I can pull so high it hits my chin, but have trouble turning around and getting under it. Hang snatches and hang cleans seem to help me work on getting the turnaround and getting under the bar.

    A problem I noticed Tuesday night is that as soon as I hit 70kgs in the clean, I start getting under the bar and dead-stopping. It's harder on my knees and is part of the problem with getting turned-around at the top and getting under the bar. Rx is more work from the hang, especially in the 70kg to 75kg range. More reps.

    I think I'm going to add in some push-presses to help with the movement from having a finger-tip grip after the clean to having the bar fully in my hand. I get a little nervous with this and just need to practice getting it from finger-tips to in the hand so I have greater confidence in the movement.

    I also have problems jerking when my ring finger on my left hand releases in the rack position so that I have two fingers under the bar on my left hand and three on my right. Gotta work on consistency in the rack position so that I don't lose that left-hand ring finger. Failing that, maybe practice jerking with two fingers on that hand, but prefer to fix the grip problem.

    After olympic lifting, I did deadlift workout modelled on Coan-Phillipi. I found that straight-up C-P is just too much fucking work and I flail around at the assistance work.

    So the way I'm going to work on my deads is an abbreviated version of C-P with one assistance movement done for 3 sets of 8-12, instead of three rounds of one-set each for four exercises.

    So tonight I pulled a double at 375#, then 6 sets of speed doubles at 225#. I found that the prescribed weight for the speed pulls was too much for me to get any velocity and decided to run at about 50%, maybe working in waves of 50, 55, 60 a la Westside speed days. I try to keep the speed doubles on 90 seconds or less of rest.

    After deadlifts, tonight I did Good Mornings with a medium-wide stance. One set of 8x135# to re-orient myself to the movement, then 3x8 at 185# in the same stance.

    Boom. Done.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Didn't train today. Went to 70's big seminar instead. Here's what I learned.

    CrossFitters can't stop talking about fucking crossfit. They love to name drop WODs.

    Got a form check on my squat and diagnosis is very tight lower back and external rotators on the hips. Got some stretches to do every day.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008



    Bench training only

    Warmed up to 195# for a single.

    3x1@200#; 3x2@180#; 3x3@160#

    3 rounds of:
    8x35# dumbbell hammer curls, both arms at the same time
    8x40# dumbbell overhead press
    8x45# dumbbell flye/bench press

    This is basically adding the dumbbell press, which I read about on this forum, to the Garry Glenn program of assistance work to add in a little bit of volume. Really worked my upper body in a way that I think will be productive.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Today the prowler beat me like I owe it money. Call it the motherfucking misery machine.

    2 out-and-back trips in the briarwood recreation center parking lot. 15 spaces, about 125 feet.

    Out trip with 40 kgs on it using the uprights; then farmer carry two 10kg plates back to the start line. Push the motherfucker back with 20 kgs on it from the low handle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Today I worked out with the Emory weightlifting team. Young fucking whipper-snappers.

    Worked mainly snatch triples at 40 kg and 45 kg.

    At the suggestion of one of the coaches, I did my snatch triples as one from the hang, one from the floor, one from the hang.

    They said my snatches looked much better from the hang as I was getting full extension and wasn't starting to prematurely accelerate the way I was doing from the floor.

    The idea then, was to surround my shitty snatch from the floor with two less-shitty snatches from the hang.

    Pressed 165 for six singles. Then did backoff sets of ten at 99, 110 and 110.

    Barbell rows, three sets of eight at 176, 187, 187. Mainly just playing with these.

    Eating-wise it's been a shitty few days, with my appetite sucking. I just have trouble coming up with food that I can eat that the mere thought of doesn't nauseate me.

    Five Guys burgers are a staple for the time being.

    First meal was a Five Guys burger (their "hamburger" is a double) with ketchup, tomato, mayo and A1.

    Second meal was about 8 ounces of flat iron steak from the fridge warmed up.

    >>snack of two pieces of toast with PB&J

    Third meal, PWO, was half-an-avocado and four eggs, scrambled, and drown them all in RedHot.

    Seriously, this eating thing gargles my balls. Before, when my appetite got this way I could always just up the milk, ice cream, milkshakes and at least get in some calories, protein, fat, and a shitload of sugar.

    But now going off dairy, it just makes the bad appetite periods that much worse.

    I can't even fucking eat a shitload of cereal since I can't have milk. Fuck. Fuckity Fuck Fuck Fuck.
    Last edited by toddmr; 08-31-2010 at 09:20 PM.

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