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Thread: Do Injuries Respond to the Strength/Adaptation/Recovery Model Part 2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Do Injuries Respond to the Strength/Adaptation/Recovery Model Part 2

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    Hi Rip,

    I have made some progress since my original thread. I have a 4 year old disc injury that gets in the way of my training but I have decided to train through it and see where the pain takes me.

    Since I first posted on this (July 2nd), I have put 100lbs on my squat and my back is feeling pretty good. I am even able to play golf! I do have flare-ups here and there where I need to take a good dose of advil but for the most part, my back has felt better than it has in a long time. I also go the chiropractor for an adjustment every few weeks.

    I have a form check video to mark my progress and I was hoping you might be kind of enough to offer a critique. I am wearing a belt (at your recommendation) and have been focusing on the following:

    1. Leaning forward more
    2. Hard vasalva
    3. Depth - is it too high on some reps?
    I think this set best demonstrates what I'm trying to do. This is 205x5x3. I believe this was my first set.

    Squat -

    Also I have a Press video and was wondering if you can offer some advice on how to improve it. I am doing the "old style" from the DVD.

    Press -

    1. Are my elbows too far in front of the bar
    2. Is my grip good? It seems the "lever arm" gets worse as the reps progress.
    3. Can I afford to use more layback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Squats are essentially perfect. Keep your eyes fixed when your press. I can't see your grip width, but the press looks good too. If your back continues to improve, change to the 2.0 form.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Thanks, Rip.

    Your opinion means a great deal to me. I really appreciate the time you take to review these videos. Hopefully I will be able to create a third thread when I hit 305 on the Squat.

    I have not yet incorporated the Deadlift in my training since I am concerned about the back. I am thinking when I get my squat a lot stronger than I will start to add the deadlift. Power cleans are also out right now so I am not DTFP, but I have already gained close to 10lbs and feel much better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    You don't need to do cleans for a couple of years. But you should start the deadlift at 135 NOW. It will help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    I attempted 135 on the deadlift. The bar budge a little and I actually threw my back out. I CANNOT pull 135lbs from a standard height right now. It is just way too much on my back. I may be able to do it with the pins set higher but there is no way it's happening without them. I could actually feel the disc itself as I was ready to pull and right now my back is in pretty bad shape. Just to clarify, I injured my back by deadlifting and repeating this movement pattern must put the disc in a very compromised position. I have a terrible low back weakness that probably should be trained with 10lb plates and slowly increased over time. I know this makes me sound like a pussy but I know my body and its just not an option right now without becoming borderline crippled again. I know that feeling all too well and don't want to be there again .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Then move the bar up in the rack to just below your knees and DON'T START WITH 135.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    I am certainly no expert here, but i think a video of your dead lift setup could be more then useful in this situation.

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