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Thread: Left shoulder hurts really bad during the squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Left shoulder hurts really bad during the squat

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I have pretty inflexible shoulders, and it seems like my left (non dominant side) is worse than my right. I've been trying to work on it for months at this point using the stretches shown on the youtube channel. It takes about 20-30 minutes just for me to get to the point where I can take the bar out of the rack. I have to work the bar down my back a few centimeters at a time over and over again until it's finally right below the spine of the scapula. Even when I can get into position though there is a painful spot right under the end of the head of the acromion such that the pressure of the bar right in that spot creates a lot of pain. Sometimes I can figure out a way to avoid that spot or tighten the muscles around it enough to keep the bar from sinking deep into the tissue but it's definitely very bothersome. I can only describe it as a deep bruised feeling on the back side of my armpit right below the shoulder joint. Has anyone else had this problem, how do I fix it, and should I seek medical attention?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I have an easier fix for you to try – the high bar squat. Not everyone can low bar squat. Assuming the bar is in the right place and you are in great pain and it is not getting better, move the bar up. When you next see a coach, have them help you, but if it still isn't working, revel in the fact that you can still squat without your shoulders bothering you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Also, if you have not done so, watch the videos on bar placement here along with Nick's recent article on the grip for the squat. Play with grip width, elbows up and down, wrapping the thumbs, etc...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    Ok. I actually used to high bar squat for this reason but I had a session with a SS coach and he got me to start doing low bar. He had me put my wrists on top of the bar instead of seating the bar in the palms to reduce how far my elbow had to go back. I watched the videos and rip explicitly said that grip was wrong so I've been trying to learn it the right way. But it's definitely uncomfortable.

    I forgot to post a video last time so here is my 255 x 3 from last week. I don't have any shots from the back right now where you can see where the grip is but maybe this will help.

    255 x 3 form check - YouTube

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    Compared to nicks article my elbows seem pretty high and I've been taking a pretty wide grip. The tip for squeezing the traps hard helped though. I've been pinching my shoulders together but I've also been subconsciously squeezing them down like in a bench press and I think that increased the distance down my back the bar had to travel before it got below the acromion.

    I just shot a video of my grip from the back. This is how I usually hold the bar and it's the narrowest I can go before I get a lot of pain. squeezing the traps together and up already made it more comfortable and it's bearable to squat in this position, though it's not painless. My index finger is on the ring. Thanks.

    Bar position check - YouTube

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Your bar position is just fine in your second video. There is nothing to correct there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    Thanks. Pinching my traps together and up helped a bunch. That is the correct interpretation yes? Would it help to work on coming in any narrower?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    Also how does my heeyip drahve look from the side? Thanks again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by iytian View Post
    Thanks. Pinching my traps together and up helped a bunch. That is the correct interpretation yes? Would it help to work on coming in any narrower?
    Not if the bar is staying in place as is. If bringing your grip in narrower would cause pain, don't do so.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by iytian View Post
    Also how does my heeyip drahve look from the side? Thanks again.
    You are relaxing at the bottom and go a little too deep, but I do something similar. Just work to stay tight and squat a little higher. Other than that, your squat looks fine from what I can see from the side. Don't be afraid to consume more food, too.

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