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Thread: Rfl

  1. #1

    Default Rfl

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    I have not found a particularly good source that lays it all out, except the book, and I refuse to give Lyle my money. Plus I don't need to pay him for the background information that I've learned over the years. So, after getting the basics, I posted it up, here:

    It should be fairly helpful for those of you who are interested in it, since I think I covered a lot of things. I'm also looking for updates and corrections if there needs to be any. Plus page views make me feel like I'm cool.

    Also, I had no idea what the most appropriate forum to put this in, so it's here, in honor of the Body Fat Estimation Thread.
    Last edited by mstrofbass; 12-03-2011 at 03:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    North Carolina


    Good luck with RFL, but you probably just opened up a can of worms with this post by getting msingh to crawl out of the hole that he has been in, lol.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyc View Post
    Good luck with RFL, but you probably just opened up a can of worms with this post by getting msingh to crawl out of the hole that he has been in, lol.
    Meh, msingh was way off in the body fat estimation thread and I've seen a recent video of him squatting. He really has nothing anymore.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Vancouver, BC


    No wonder bodybuilding can present as an eating disorder.. What was your emotional state like while on this? Did you perceive any change in cognitive function?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by patrick.yvr View Post
    No wonder bodybuilding can present as an eating disorder.. What was your emotional state like while on this? Did you perceive any change in cognitive function?
    RFL has nothing to do with bodybuilding.

    I'm still on it, been on it since Monday. I'm fine, it doesn't bother me at all yet. It's only four weeks or so.

    I just ate a 1.25 lbs. pork tenderloin. I'm generally hungry, but it's not horrible. And no, no change in cognitive function. If there will be, it will be lack of calories, not lack of carbs.

  6. #6
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    Vancouver, BC


    This isn't similar to 'cutting' ? I'll admit to just being pithy.

    And interesting. How about returning to a 'normal' diet afterwards? Do you have a planned transition period? (I imagine just bingeing would have some pretty adverse effects.)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    Patrick, this is a crash diet designed by Lyle McDonald. If you wish to know more about it, check out his site and his forums.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    How has it affected your lifts so far?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by patrick.yvr View Post
    This isn't similar to 'cutting' ? I'll admit to just being pithy.

    And interesting. How about returning to a 'normal' diet afterwards? Do you have a planned transition period? (I imagine just bingeing would have some pretty adverse effects.)
    Yes, it is cutting. But bodybuilding is centered around getting to significantly lower than 10% bodyfat, and it's usually not a "rapid fat loss". I'm just trying to drop to 12-15%, eventually. I do not have a planned transition period. I might go on a one or two day binge, but I don't expect it to have a huge impact. I have a fairly small stomach, so I've never had a problem with overeating unless I'm specifically trying to. I may be pretty unique in this respect though, and I will have to pay special attention to my diet to see how things effect me, which will probably be at least slightly different than at my current BF%.

    Quote Originally Posted by hamburgerfan View Post
    How has it affected your lifts so far?
    Not much at all, but I started on Monday and only lifted Tuesday and Thursday. Plus I'm not doing a significant amount of heavy work, just presses, lightish overhead squats, some light deadlifts (testing my knee), and chins. The only thing that will probably stall are my presses, but I was working on some form changes, so even my presses are a bit low right now.

    Anything related to my lifting wouldn't apply to someone who's lifting hard.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by mstrofbass View Post
    and I refuse to give Lyle my money.
    Haha! I've typed those exact words many times.

    Thanks for the writeup. I'll read it in more detail later. At a glance it all looks really good.

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