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Thread: Homer's Quest for Strength

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Wood-Ridge, NJ

    Default Homer's Quest for Strength

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Well, I've been doing SS for a few months, and decided to log my stuff here as a means to share and learn. I've never done this before, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Height - 5''10
    Weight - 204lbs
    Age - 28

    Lifting Status - Novice
    Program - Practical Programming Novice (also known as Wichita Falls Novice)

    Wed 2/17/10

    Squat - 290 3x5
    Bench - 200 2x5 (stall on the last set)
    Cleans - 105 5x3

    The squat felt a bit high on the last few reps of the 3rd set. I also have a tendency to exaggerate my hip drive, causing me to lean over, and the bar moving away from the mid-foot position. Thinking of widening my stance, and trying to keep my back more vertical. currently resting 7-10 mins b/w sets.

    Bench - stalled on the last set, don't know why, I just didn't have any gas. Maybe more rest is needed. Currently rested 5mins b/w sets.

    Cleans - felt pretty good, The technique got better with each set, and the last one was pretty spot on.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Kingdom


    Nice squat and bench numbers. I'm also 5'10" and about 205, and am 30 and 40 pounds behind you, respectively.

    What's up with the cleans? Don't worry too much about form, as more weight should clear up a lot of form issues (at least that's what Rip says in the Q&A section).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Wood-Ridge, NJ


    I had some inflammation in my arms (referenced in your log) that made cleans difficult to do after squatting and press/bench. Today was my first day on the clean in about 4 weeks, so I'm just slowly getting back into them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Kingdom


    Gotcha. Hope the pain goes away. I just ordered elbow sleeves, so I hope those help me. Keep up the great work. Those squats must be getting real heavy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Wood-Ridge, NJ


    Thanks! Elbow sleeves helped me a lot in recovery.

    The squats feel heavy every day I "progress". But I'm still a long way. GOMAD also gave me quite the love handles lol. I've cut back though, no need to overdo the calories now that I'm 200+lbs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Wood-Ridge, NJ


    Fri 2/19/10

    Squat - 295 2x3, 1x2 * (please see below)
    Press - 140 2x5, 1x4, 1x1
    Pullups - 8, 5, 3

    Squat - I realized, yesterday, after some reading, that I was doing more of a high bar squat these past few weeks (unknowingly). With that in mind, I went to the gym knowing that going for a new PR was going to be difficult as I was changing the high bar to a low bar, but wanted to see where I stood. It turns out I basically have to re-learn the low bar squat. I was leaning forward WAAAAYYY too much and the bar was going in front of the mid foot, making it difficult to lock out at top.
    I'm going to reset to 265. If all goes well, I'll be back to 295 in three weeks.

    Press - I just couldn't lockout the last rep. I did an extra one afterwards just so I can say I did 15 reps! haha but it still doesn't "count". Will try again next wed!

    I hate not making PR's, but it's life and I gotta learn.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Wood-Ridge, NJ


    Mon 2/22/10

    Squat - 265 3x5
    Bench - 200 3x5
    Chins - 9,5,4

    Squat - Forgot my camera! But still felt pretty good. I think I kept a good back angle, but feel like my VS Dynamos have too high of a heel. I'm going to get them cut down to .5 inch heel. Also, the IT band on my right leg feels tight as hell, I'll have the chiro do something about it when I see him later today.
    Also, I felt I have gotten a good low-bar position, and my shoulders are as flexible as they've ever been. Still some inflammation, but it's getting much better!

    Bench - Felt really good, finally got a 3x5 200lbs after struggling so much. Though I noticed I was bouncing it a little harder on my chest on the last set. I will keep a close eye on this.

    Chins are actually helping my arm/shoulder inflammation.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Wood-Ridge, NJ


    Wed 2/24/10

    Squat - 275 3x5
    Press - 140 2x4 (stall again)
    Deadlift - 345 5x1

    Squats - I've been having some major tightness in my IT bands (especially on the right leg). My wife gave me a vicious massage, I'm almost ashamed to admit that I almost shed a tear while she was grinding her knuckles into the IT bands lol, she seemed to enjoy that part a bit too much!
    But low and behold, my squats felt awesome! Thank you wife.

    Press - this is the second time I'm stalling at 140. I wasn't surprised so I don't feel too bad about it. I will be resetting and will try microloading!

    Deadlift - I love deadlift day. The reason I put 5x1 instead of 1x5 was because I took a little bit too much rest between reps, resulting in a cluster rather than a set. But I'm still pretty happy about it, and will increase the weight on my next session.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Exeter, NH


    Nice press! My sticking point is 140 as well.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Wood-Ridge, NJ


    starting strength coach development program
    It's a pain in the arse huh? Are you microloading?

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