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Thread: Form breakdown... is it normal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Form breakdown... is it normal?

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I'm guessing the answer is "no, not normal", but I'm wondering what people have done during similar situations.

    Wednesday while deadlifting and today while squatting, I found that the last couple of reps of the work set (each day was 1 x 5 for the exercise) resembled something other than what the first couple of reps looked like. In other words, by the end I was just doing whatever I could to get the weight up (325 DL, 267.5 SQ). It wasn't so bad that I felt an injury was likely, but it was not pretty. For example, the last rep of the squat, I held my breath, turned red, right leg lifted faster than the left and it probably looked more like a good morning than a squat.

    I'm curious if a) this happens regularly to those who consider themselves to have excellent form; and b) if this is deemed to be something that could inhibit progress, should I back off until I can do all 5 reps with the same, good form?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Nashville, TN


    Quote Originally Posted by JT in MD View Post
    I'm guessing the answer is "no, not normal", but I'm wondering what people have done during similar situations.

    Wednesday while deadlifting and today while squatting, I found that the last couple of reps of the work set (each day was 1 x 5 for the exercise) resembled something other than what the first couple of reps looked like. In other words, by the end I was just doing whatever I could to get the weight up (325 DL, 267.5 SQ). It wasn't so bad that I felt an injury was likely, but it was not pretty. For example, the last rep of the squat, I held my breath, turned red, right leg lifted faster than the left and it probably looked more like a good morning than a squat.

    I'm curious if a) this happens regularly to those who consider themselves to have excellent form; and b) if this is deemed to be something that could inhibit progress, should I back off until I can do all 5 reps with the same, good form?

    Try the same weights again with an attempt to nail it formwise, and if it still sucks major ass consider deloading the movements and working back up with as close to perfect form as you can manage. This'll ensure that you weren't just having an "off" day the other day when your form broke down. In addition, if your first couple of sets are like ass, consider stripping the weight off the bar and calling it a day, so that you can come back next workout and deload.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Thanks.. between my job and a 3 month old, I have been finding recovery difficult. I've made good progress up to this point, but I think I might be hitting a wall.. I'll take your suggestion and see what happens!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Nashville, TN


    Quote Originally Posted by JT in MD View Post
    Thanks.. between my job and a 3 month old, I have been finding recovery difficult. I've made good progress up to this point, but I think I might be hitting a wall.. I'll take your suggestion and see what happens!
    Well, it's not like you can put your job and the three month old on the back burner, you know, so building in more recovery--however you might choose to do that--may become necessary.


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