Hello there, I was just wondering if it is possible to take your 40yd dash time from 5.2 to 5.0 or 4.9, without crazy genetics, staying at the same bodyfat, with a program focused on increasing the big 4? P.S. this is a repost from the programming forum because the guy there said he didn’t know what to recommend.
Thanks. I think I’m about 16-17 percent bodyfat according to a bathroom scale that also measure your bodyfat(I think this might be one of the most useful things I bought). Yeah I see your point on the sprinting mechanics. For a novice, do you recommend cutting while staying on the SS program or should I do a less stressful HLM while cutting? Just to ask it, would 4.8 be possible. Thank you for your free service.
What’s the context here? High School football? What position?
No, I wouldn’t cut. Don’t compromise a golden opportunity to get strong for .2 seconds.
5.2 to 4.8 is a pretty big jump. Doable, though.
If you’re really serious, try to find the best sprint coach within 50 miles and learn how to sprint. I was incredibly fortunate to be coached by a dude named Bill Parisi.
I’m an HS lacrosse player. Freshman. Defense. Similar needs of a linebacker but a little less size and strength, but a little more speed and endurance. Think hockey player. No I’m super serious like a track athlete, I just like getting faster haha. I will focus on getting stronger as you advised now. I would still like to know what type of program(SS, HLM, etc.) to run for cutting because I will eventually have to cut when the season roles around(May 20th). Thanks again, sorry for wasting so much of your time.
Stats(probably should have put these earlier lol):
Squat: 290x5x3
Bench: 147x5x3
Deadlift: 315x5
Press: 93x5x3
PClean: 140x3x5
Weight: Around 160-165lbs
Age: 15
I meant to say: No I’m NOT super serious like a track athlete.