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Thread: Do I really need to add 20lbs or so

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Do I really need to add 20lbs or so

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024

    I was on SS for about 9 months, went from 155 to 170ish, strength definitely improved. I've been on the Texas program since Feb, really enjoy it's programing as it works well for recovery mid week and heavy PR Friday really gets it on.

    My current 1 RM are:

    Deads 350
    Squat 250
    Bench 205
    Press 145

    My long term goal(6-12 months) is:

    1 x BW Press
    1.5 x BW Bench
    2 x BW Squat
    2.5 BW Dead

    I know there are light weight guys out there, sub 175 that can crush these numbers. I'm at 173ish and understand real well that I have to gain weight to increase these lift numbers, but I'm also 56.

    Question is, if I work my ass off, follow the program, by adding 15/20lbs of muscle/fat, be realistic, or should I work harder and try to hit these numbers without going into the 190's. I have no problem getting bigger, but when I bump into a strong as hell 160lb'r who is beating those numbers, I'll think that I'm a fat lazy slob that is just using the "lift more weight to eat more food" excuse.

    Any wise input will be appreciated, does not even have to be wise.

    Thanks very much.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I see absolutely no reason that you should not explore the effects of adding some bodyweight. If you don't like it, you know how to get it off, and it might allow your levers to develop to the point that your lifting improves beyond what you thought it could. I mean really, why not?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Thanks Mark.
    I'll post progress in a few months.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Jay, just imagine the extra amount of meat that this will allow you to now eat.

    Also, to make you feel better, you will most certainly be creeping up on the magical 200/300/400/500 numbers well before me, and I'm heavier, younger, and stoopider. Hit those numbers under 200 BW, in your mid 50's, and you are officially a badass, the type of badass relatively strong, young 165'ers will envy. And you cook better 'que than them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by jacob cloud View Post
    Jay, just imagine the extra amount of meat that this will allow you to now eat.

    Also, to make you feel better, you will most certainly be creeping up on the magical 200/300/400/500 numbers well before me, and I'm heavier, younger, and stoopider. Hit those numbers under 200 BW, in your mid 50's, and you are officially a badass, the type of badass relatively strong, young 165'ers will envy. And you cook better 'que than them.
    Thanks Jacob, got a smile going as I type.

    Ya, going to up calories about 500 per day, look to go from 173ish to 185 over then next two months, see how I'm feeling under the bar.

    Watching the vid of the 50ish guy banging 400 plus(squat/DL) gave me a hard one. Now I just have to cope with buying some bigger jeans at some point.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Chow on...

    starting strength coach development program
    I vote for weight gain too Jay, you are too skinny. Then your "lucky" jeans will not have such a gunnysack like appearance . Gotta love a beefy lifter and I don't mean what comes out of your smoker. Leave the skin on your chicken, more ribs, yummy crusty barbequed fat and all - should be easy for you. Good luck.

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