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Thread: Hot abdominal sensation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Hot abdominal sensation

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    The problem is what I'd describe as a warm, stretching sensation under my waist line. It has only occurred at the bottom of the squat and I've experienced it on maybe three occasions when squatting, the most recent being last night. I'll try to be more precise in measurement or perhaps a photo in a followup, but as of now I'd describe it as about a half inch down from my belly button (right underneath the slight "flab" of my stomach) and maybe an inch to the right from there.

    I'm concerned it might be the start to a hernia. At first I disregarded it because I figured I'd feel a bulge or a sharp, lasting pain if it indeed was, but after not completing my squats on account of not wanting to make this pain worse I really just want it to go away. I considered the problem might be improper execution of the valsalva and not staying tight (which I've been consciously working on)? As of now I'm considering seeing a doctor, but I was hoping someone could provide some insight or personal experience before I did.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    A doctor should be able to diagnose a hernia. Go see one, that way you can get on with life.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Baghdad, Iraq


    Been there, done that. They suck - and that's EXACTLY how I figured out I had one. Better to get it checked out and patched up BEFORE it rips open on it's own while you're midway through a heavy deadlift. The earlier you catch it, the better than can patch it (if it is a hernia) and the shorter your recovery.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Thanks, I'll be sure to see a doctor as soon as I can so I can put this behind me. Out of curiosity, what are good methods of reducing your risk of herniating under heavy weight? Just strengthening your core? Proper valsalva?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Iowa, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by SSforRowing View Post
    Out of curiosity, what are good methods of reducing your risk of herniating under heavy weight? Just strengthening your core? Proper valsalva?
    Yes and yes, but remember that sometimes there is nothing you can do as the predisposition in the muscle is already there just waiting for the trigger. Proper bracing of the mid section & attention to form are important. A belt can help. Proper warm up can help. It doesn't have to be lifting a heavy weight that causes the hernia, but lifting heavy is going to always present a risk. The alternative of not lifting heavy also presents a lot of different kinds of risks, of course.

    BTW, you'll probably want to go to a general surgeon, and your GP will likely refer you to one rather than diagnose it conclusively him or her self.

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