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Thread: Squat bench deadlift form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Squat bench deadlift form check

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    Squat 135lb
    [Disregard the fact that i had to use my bench to squat... I only want the form of the actual squat critiqued. Thanks.] (I couldn't go to the gym today that is why i had to squat like this. Will never happen again)

    Bench 100lb

    Deadlift 155lb
    Last edited by FeaRxUnLeAsHeD; 07-02-2010 at 07:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Squat - hard to judge depth. Head could look down.

    Bench - don't bounce off the chest. Bring it down controlled and let it touch your chest not bounce off it. Don't breathe on the way down. Breathe at the top.

    Deadlift - think the bar should be closer to the shins on the way up and the bar path has some curve to it, but heavier weights will fix that. Also try not to look sideways to check out your back position when you are lowering the weight. Not a good practice to get into if you don't want to tweak your neck.

    Keep it up though. I assume you have the book.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by confuzzl3don3 View Post
    Squat - hard to judge depth. Head could look down.

    Bench - don't bounce off the chest. Bring it down controlled and let it touch your chest not bounce off it. Don't breathe on the way down. Breathe at the top.

    Deadlift - think the bar should be closer to the shins on the way up and the bar path has some curve to it, but heavier weights will fix that. Also try not to look sideways to check out your back position when you are lowering the weight. Not a good practice to get into if you don't want to tweak your neck.

    Keep it up though. I assume you have the book.
    Yeah i gotta look down on the squat.. Maybe a little deeper.
    Bench. i CLEARLY didn't bounce off my chest, so i don't know what video you just saw hahaha. Since it was light weight (working up since i just started doing SS) i went REAL slow on the rep and TAPPED my SHIRT, barely even my chest, then pressed.

    And yeah the deadlift it's because my bar is skinny at home but i don't usually lift at home. The one at the gym is thicker and i have shoes on so it all works out. And yeah i don't usually look in the mirror to the side, just wanted to make sure for the vid tho!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Mm well it looked like u were sort of bouncing especially for the last rep, but i could be wrong. I'll see what others think. But you can hear that you are definitely breathing on the way down. Do you have the book?

  5. #5
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    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by FeaRxUnLeAsHeD View Post

    Squat 135lb
    [Disregard the fact that i had to use my bench to squat... I only want the form of the actual squat critiqued. Thanks.] (I couldn't go to the gym today that is why i had to squat like this. Will never happen again)

    Bench 100lb

    Deadlift 155lb
    First off, I'd like to say I appreciate the home setup. It's going to get reckless real fast squatting like that, but fuck, I admire the effort to squat even minus a squat rack.


    These look decent for the most part. There might be a tendency to let the weight shift forward a bit on the descent, but this might sort itself out when the load you're lifting is heavier.


    These look fine. These aren't "bounced" off the chest, these are the sort of touch and go reps advocated in Starting Strength. Confuzzled, watch Rip's DVD on the bench section because I think you're confused what "bounced" means in this context.


    You're sort of squatting the weight up here. This isn't an issue, since the weight is well below your strength potential, but at some point, the hips are going to start a little higher if you're aiming for a verbatim SS pull.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    No i do not have the book. I should probably pick it up.

    Um, with the deadlift, I have longer legs than torso, so I think i remember seeing a video on youtube about that with Mark Rippetoe in it showing how the angle changes.

    Here it is

  7. #7
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    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by FeaRxUnLeAsHeD View Post
    No i do not have the book. I should probably pick it up.

    Um, with the deadlift, I have longer legs than torso, so I think i remember seeing a video on youtube about that with Mark Rippetoe in it showing how the angle changes.

    Here it is
    Yes, but long legs and short torso = more horizontal, not more vertical, i.e. the opposite of what you're doing. When I say squatting the weight up, I mean your butt is starting too low relative to your dimensions to meet the SS criteria for a proper deadlift

    * Back locked in extension (you're doing this)
    * Bar over middle of the foot (if your butt is too low, this is impossible, as the shins will push the bar forward of midfoot)
    * Bar over scapulae (same as above, won't really work if the butt is too low)

    The bar should start against your shins, but over the middle of your foot:
    Last edited by blowdpanis; 07-03-2010 at 06:34 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Mm just seemed to me that the descent right near hitting the chest suddenly accelerated and to me it looked like there was some 'bounce'. On closer inspection i'm probably wrong so thanks for pointing that out for me. Glad to learn =)

  9. #9
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by confuzzl3don3 View Post
    Mm just seemed to me that the descent right near hitting the chest suddenly accelerated and to me it looked like there was some 'bounce'. On closer inspection i'm probably wrong so thanks for pointing that out for me. Glad to learn =)
    probably appeared that way because the weight load was light. easy to press up

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    starting strength coach development program
    Regarding the squats, loose the pussy pad. Also, your knees are coming forward at the bottom, which might get you into trouble later. Get the book, in the mean time read this.

    There is the tiniest of bounces in the 1st and 4th reps on the bench, but nothing serious. Put more weight on that bar, it is hard to evaluate proper form with weights that are hardly challenging.

    Deadlift looks ok, and same advice regarding weight.

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