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Thread: Roundtable Event Recap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Roundtable Event Recap

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Last weekend was the 1st ever Roundtable Event here in Wichita Falls. To say it was a success is a gross understatement. Having Rip, Tommy Suggs, Jim Wendler and John Sheaffer in the front of the room to answer questions about anything and everything was a blast from the get go (see first pic of Wendler and Sheaffer having a pose down during introductions.)

    The attendees did an excellent job of coming prepared with questions that provoked well thought out answers by the forum. We talked about the York days; competing; general and specific training philosophies; past mistakes in the gym; nutrition for youth and masters aged lifters; impatient training and overtraining; favorite books; and many more topics that proved we could have kept going for another 5 hours.

    A visit to WFAC isn’t complete without Branding Iron BBQ and the tonnage of meat consumed was impressive. It was a great party that lasted long enough for everyone to get some extra time with the guest speakers as well as make some new friends. It was a bit of a West Point and Atlanta seminar reunion; Good Ryan and Bad Ryan got to talk shop again; and the term “T.M.I.” comes to mind on some of the more entertaining conversations around the room.

    The training sessions on Sunday FAR surpassed my expectations. Everyone came ready to learn and train hard. LOOK, how often do you get to PR your squats with Rip, move over to the bench and PR again with Wendler and then hit the back room and PR your Clean and Jerk with Suggs? And that was just the morning session! Also, just for fun, Phil Stevens and Gant Grimes brought some heavy shit to throw around and practice some Highland events during lunch for those of us interested. People, if you considered coming and passed on this, you’re a damn fool!

    Wendler summed up the weekend with something like this, “To be able to do what you love and have people come out and want to talk to us about all this is truly humbling.” We appreciate those of you who came out and if you were here, we’d love to hear your take on the weekend. We also want to specially thank our forum members for taking time to hang all weekend. Enjoy a few pics, post some of your own if you have them.

    As Rip said earlier, we will not be releasing a DVD of the day so if you missed it, you’re shit outta luck. We’re already in the planning mode of our next one which will be more limited in size so sign up fast if you want to make it. Hopefully we’ll be seeing most of you again at some point. Some of you were a blast, some of you were just weird but I’ll let you decide which category you fit in. You’re all welcome at WFAC to train anytime. And as always, keep us posted on your lifting or coaching progress (you guys rarely do but I’m going to say it anyway.) See you at the next one!

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    Last edited by jep6095; 08-10-2010 at 04:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Thanks for the recap. You guys living in the US are so lucky, wish I had been there. If anyone has made notes please share it with us, the unlucky bastards who could not be there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    Quote Originally Posted by LeonidasfromSparta View Post
    You guys living in the US are so lucky, wish I had been there.
    This. If you ever convince Starr to participate in an event like this I will make my way there, no matter where I am at the time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    The roundtable was phenomenal. There were a ton of topics covered on Saturday. Plenty of topics I knew, and plenty more that were clarified better. I took more notes than I care to write here, so I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes -

    "You don't have to train like an asshole to lift like a champion" - Wendler

    I couldn't wait to train on Sunday. Not only did I get a tremendous amount of help on my own technique, but I learned some effective coaching techniques that I need to use with my own clients. Things like focusing on what someone should do, instead of what they shouldn't do. Only giving very few cues each set. And the ever important point of not having a conversation with the coach with 275 lbs on your back (thanks Julie!)

    I spent the entire morning working on my O-lifts. Huge thanks to Josh and Stef for their patience with me. Not too many people back on the platforms in the morning, so I was glad I could take full advantage of their expertise and relatively undivided attention.

    Talked quick shop with Wendler before lunch. He has got to be the strongest and most humble guy I've ever met. Absolutely pleasure hearing him express his views.

    I was pressing, pulling, and squatting in the afternoon session. There were informal clinics forming around the gym for all the different lifts. Again, thanks to Stef, Rip, and Julie for setting me straight in my technique.

    Thoughts? Improvements? Maybe splitting up the roundtable and gym time across the two days. So we could talk in the morning, lift in the afternoon for both days. Could help manage fatigue and allow us follow-up questions after a Saturday work session.

    I'm also disappointed that there won't be a DVD released, but can understand why. Just glad I took so many notes.

    All told, it was an awesome weekend and I'm glad I traveled halfway across the U.S. to attend.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2010
    British Columbia


    Quote Originally Posted by Danish Viking View Post
    This. If you ever convince Starr to participate in an event like this I will make my way there, no matter where I am at the time.
    If that were to happen, I would have the motivation I need to get my passport in order.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2010


    The Roundtable was awesome! I could've sat there all night listening to them 4 talk. I was about to pee my pants most of the day because I didn't want to get up and miss anything. My notes include a lot of quoteworthy quotes. One of my favorites was from Mr.Suggs. He said, "Son, if you want to know how to do something, find someone who does it well and ask them."
    I also like Rip's in reference to gaining weight. "Go to a place that's all you can eat and hurt 'em."
    Wendler was hilarious and I have two pages of his stuff. "I don't do anything that's not awesome." pretty much sums up the main points.
    John Shaeffer had tons of no-nonsense nutrition tips and of course excellent posedowns.

    Sunday I got the priviledge of throwing some Highland implements with Gant and Phil Stevens. I'd say after my performance, me and Bad Ryan oughta switch names. Pretty sorry on my part, Bad Ryan's a natural! It was a blast though and I'll be practicing... Can't wait til the next one. Heck I wouldn't mind if it was the same panel again.

  7. #7
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    Southern California


    You know, I never saw Rip as a flip-flop kinda guy. Whaddya know?

  8. #8
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    Jul 2010


    Just to sit and hear these guys talk about training and the PL lifestyle was fantastic! I felt so lucky to be there; we learned a ton, and had a great time too. I wrote page after page of tips, but it seems a lot had to do with overcoming obstacles and doing what it takes to reach your goals.

    A recurring theme was that an athlete has to "Pay Your Taxes!". Meaning of course, suck it up and get the job done - whether it's eating waaaay more than is comfortable, or training when it hurts, this rule applies. Tommy Suggs put it this way: "Be willing to make sacrifices to get opportunities". He was speaking about moving to a new place if you want to hook up with the top coaches. Take a different job so that you can train.
    Another good quote was from Jim - "Try to get a food PR twice a week"!

    Another frequent quote from Rip applies a lot in my notes - "Not everyone is entitled to an opinion!" I certainly see this in my gym.
    I'm trying to learn how to eat and gain a little weight, so John's help was wonderful! He took a lot of time with me and helped me set a good plan.

    Thanks to all of you for the help with my form. I can't say this enough - I didn't realize how bad it was, and am going to work extra hard to put your advice to work. Everyone was so patient and helpful, and I learned way more than I hoped.

    Whew, Rip - I didn't know I sucked at chins sooo bad! Embarrassing...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Iowa Park


    Great event. Great information. Great training. Great camraderie. Great food. I will be at any future events such as this one. Gant and Phil- if either of you read this thanks for letting us throw with you. Good Ryan- the epic struggle of awesomeness continues. Who will be the best Ryan? Only time will tell!
    Favorite quote: "Its takes zero talent to be in shape"- Jim Wendler

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    "Who will be the Best Ryan? Only time will tell!"

    Uh oh, sounds like a big gauntlet just hit the floor! Stand back kids!

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