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Thread: Looking for some advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Looking for some advice

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I started SS Practical Programming in April. I had great strength gains until July, where a surgery put me down until September. And then a Ragnar training till November. Since November 1st I started my linear progression again and doing well, until we had some fun news this weekend.
    An unexpected and unplanned 5th pregnancy has us in total shock. As the saying goes, this aint my first rodeo. But it definitely is my first with heavy barbell lifting.

    My questions are this:
    Can I expect any strength gains during pregnancy? Or scrap that goal?

    And if so: What's the best program to stick with that will keep me where I'm at for the next 12 months.

    Hoping there are some experienced moms and husbands out there. A very gracious thank you.

    5'5" 150lbs momma whose husband is getting a vasectomy : )

    BS 150X5X3
    Overhead Press 62X5X2
    Bench Press 80X5X2
    Clean 80X5X3
    Dead 170X5X1

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Obviously nothing I say should be interpreted as any type of medical advice. And I know we have SS Coaches who have coached more pregnant woman than I have, we'll ask if they'll comment as well. Other women who have done this should feel free to chime in.

    Generally, you may be able to make some progress while pregnant, though that shouldn't be your focus. The fact that you were previously active and training beforehand puts things well in your favor. A lot of what you do will depend on how you feel that day, and while you're actually training. The goal is to keep training as long as it's healthy and makes sense to do so. For many women, this is throughout the entire pregnancy, but for others it is not. You will probably have to modify your form at some point, as some positions will become much more difficult, or impossible, to assume as you get bigger. And of course, your center of balance changes as well. Depending upon all of those factors, "training" for you might mean making progress, maintaining, or simply doing the movements without concern for the weight on the bar. It might shift from A to B to C as you move through the pregnancy.

    Given the dynamic nature of a pregnancy, there's no way to know for sure early on or in advance. Common sense and staying sensitive to how you feel that day, and at the time you're training, are key.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Thank you Michael for your quick reply. It was helpful.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    You're very welcome. Others with experience, either as a pregnant lifter or coach of pregnant lifters, feel free to chime in.

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