Stumbled across some videos on YouTube of you coaching the squat at a CrossFit facility, Rip. I wanted to let people know that, if they haven't seen these they should look them up.

For me what was particularly useful was the squat setup video. You tell the demonstrator to widen his stance, a little more, and "it's gonna be a little wider than you might expect". You also point out how hip drive looks when performed properly. And then you started smacking him on the ass and I had to explain to my wife that it wasn't one of *those* videos.

For me, while I've read in SS that the setup is shoulder width apart and feet at a 30 degree angle, I apparently didn't realize how wide "shoulder width" apart was for me and measured. Getting my feet there did feel a little wider that I expected. But I applied these tips and felt considerably more stable. Not sure why it took seeing you say it versus reading it.

Anyway, a long-winded way of recommending to people that there's some additional useful material from you available.

As always, thanks for your efforts.