Impressive, how much do you weigh?
DL is questionable...added pullups and chins into the workout a few months ago and developed a sharp pain in my left shoulder, effected nearly every lift for awhile. Stopped the chins and pull ups and have been able to bench without pain, press is pretty pain free in the last couple weeks but DL's close to 400 result in sharp stabbing pains in the shoulder so I haven't DL'd at all in a few weeks (yes I pussed out)...going to give it a try again on heavy day.
What was the question?
How the heck did you go from your results 4 months ago to where you're at now?
[quote = 3/10/09]Squat x5 - 250>>>365...equal to year ago
Bench x5 - 205>>>260...35 pounds higher than year ago
Dead x5 - 240>>>405...equal to year ago
Press x5 - 135>>>190...year ago 1RM was 180
Power Clean x5 - 135>>>190...year ago 1RM was 185[/quote]
I'm honestly interested in seeing how, if you're serious. My squat progress has crawled to my current 445 1RM, and any tips on getting past 500 more quickly would be helpful.
no disrespect intended but what is the point of this thread?
Back in March you posted:
Squat x 5 - 365
Bench x 5 - 260
Dead x 5 - 405
Press x 5 - 190
If adding 140# to your sqaut and nearly 100# to your bench the last few month is just "farting around," please provide complete instructions so I can fart around too?
The only thing that makes sense is that the numbers he listed at the bottom of his first post were 1 RM. That would still translate to a lot of progress in a short time that most would be skeptical about (for a lifter at that stage, not a novice) though, but more reasonable.
Currently 255, was 245 when I started in January.
I'm honestly interested in seeing how, if you're serious. My squat progress has crawled to my current 445 1RM, and any tips on getting past 500 more quickly would be helpful.[/QUOTE]
All I've done is follow SS as written for 8 weeks and then a misunderstood version of bench/press TM is something like this
week 1: bench 5x5 @ 260, press 3x5 @ 185, bench 1x5 @ 265
week 2: press 5x3 @187.5, bench 3x5 @ 265, press 1x5 190
I add 5 lbs every week to my squat.
Marks books have helped me a great deal, this board has helped and inspired me...I thought it was a good place for me to state my goal and hold myself accountable.
First, by farting around I mean that I didn't have a well defined goal of where I wanted to go with my training. I am a 40 year old BD Mgr and there is truly no need to bench, squat, dl even 200 lbs in my daily life...I was asking myself questions like "am I strong enough?" or "do I need to be any stronger?"...I like lifting and decided I wanted to reach the numbers I had as a football player 20 years ago. I'll be coaching youth sports over the next 3 months and then traveling for work for another month after so workouts will be sporadic but I think I'll hit those goals in the first quarter of 2010, barring any injury.
Those numbers in March were 1x5's or 5x5's for my 5x5 this Friday I will use 395 on squat and 275 on Bench, this week I was using 192.5 on press for 5x3.