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Thread: Please check my analysis

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Southern California

    Default Please check my analysis

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    I began the program with a conservative 115lb squat, and since then have been progressing steadily.

    On Wednesday morning I squatted 190lbs - the weight felt very heavy, and during the last rep of my last set, I squirmed a little under the bar. I was able to finish the workout - but my form was not perfect towards the end, and I noticed some discomfort in the left side of my hip afterwards.

    I decided that the difficulty was most likely because I had slept very poorly the night before, and hadn't eaten as much as I should have.

    So, wednesday and thursday I made sure to consume the full gallon and milk and made sure to get at least eight hours of sleep.

    I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. I felt that the muscles had recovered, and the pain in my hip was very slight.

    I did a few more warm-up sets this morning, focusing on my form.

    One thing I noticed is that I position the bar higher on my back than Rip recommends. When trying to position it lower, I felt some discomfort in my shoulders.

    I have always had slight problems with my shoulders. My spine has a bit of a curve - and my shoulders aren't even. In the past, I would have a grinding pain while performing military presses.

    I felt that same sort of pain as I tried to position the bar lower. I decided that it probably wasn't something I should mess with, so I moved the bar up higher where it was more comfortable.

    My goal for this morning was 3x5 at 200lbs. I failed on the third rep of my first set, having to lower the weight onto the rack pins.

    The pain in the left side of my hip returned, with a vengeance.

    I tried stripping 10% of the weight, back down to 180lbs. After one rep, I decided that I was playing with fire. My hip hurt and the weight felt almost insurmountable. I racked the weight and moved on to bench presses.

    The bench presses were fine. I felt a bit weaker because I couldn't "stomp" down my left foot - but I finished just fine. I moved on to deadlifts.

    As you would expect, the deadlifts were not all that succesfull. The planned set was 3x5 at 205lbs. I was able to perform one rep, but again, the weight felt insurmountable.

    I'm sure I could have done better, but it felt almost as if my body was blocking me from doing the work. Not because it was too heavy, necessarily - but just that the pain in my hip meant that I needed to back off.

    Now my plan is to spend the weekend eating plenty and resting, so that I can walk into the gym on monday fully recovered.

    I will shave 10% off the weight for my squats and deadlifts, and then increase the weight over the next few workouts with smaller incriments. 5lbs instead of 10 lbs. I will also pour through the book and videos, to try to find out exactly what I may have done to cause this pain in my hip.

    I do not consider this a plateau, more like a slight injury - so I will not consider this to be a sign of the end of my novice phase.

    After I reach 200lbs on the squat again, I will begin using incrimental weights.

    Which begs the question, where the hell do I get incrimental weights?

    I think my reasoning is solid and that Rip would approve of my plan, but I wanted to run it by the forum in case any of the more experienced lifters had something to say.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    First, I want you to look up "question-begging" and correct your usage. Second, the "hip" is a very big place so you'll need to be more specific. Third, small plates can be made from 2" flat washers glued together; search function works on this topic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Dayton, OH


    To throw another option for microloading out there, I purchased some sections of I think 6 links of 5/16" chain from home depot and some cheap 99 cent aluminum carabiners. A pair of these is 1lb 4 oz., which I round down to 1 lb. The plus side to this is every time you get 4 pairs on the bar, its actually +5 lbs.

    I only did this because the chains were easier to find then the washers and it took my press went from 155x2 to 175 in about 7 weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    First, I want you to look up "question-begging" and correct your usage.
    Wow, all kinds of good advice in this forum!

    If I may:

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