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Thread: Form check help please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Form check help please

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Squat (starts :30 in):

    Knees could stand to be further out in front, but I've always had a problem with that. Even if I stick my feet together and attempt a squat, my knees won't track over my toes. I can manage having my knees a little further out than how they are in the vid, but my position on tape is what I'm more comfortable with's a powerclean thrown in for good measure:


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    There seems to be some vertical exaggeration in the squat video, so the angles are distorted, but I think your shins are too vertical. Good other than that, which makes me think it may just be the video. The clean looks fine, but get out of the habit of dropping the bar from the top. You look like an amateur when you do that. Bad habit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Nashville, TN


    Hmm, let's see...

    Major advantage to lifting in your garage:
    The gas fumes from the mower will numb you to any pain you might experience during worksets.

    Said fumes will render you delirious and unable to cry for help when you are unfortunately crushed by the weight.

    On the plus side, it'll make for one hell of a story, and we'll all send you liquor in the mail while you're recovering in the hospital.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    There seems to be some vertical exaggeration in the squat video, so the angles are distorted, but I think your shins are too vertical. Good other than that, which makes me think it may just be the video. The clean looks fine, but get out of the habit of dropping the bar from the top. You look like an amateur when you do that. Bad habit.
    Good catch. I hope the vertical exaggeration has something to do with me looking so unapologetically skinny in the power clean vid.

    And I never really gave much thought to the bar dropping. It's probably a subconscious overcompensation for all the time I spent having to strain my back by slowly lowering the bar down to avoid the evil eye from the commercial gym staff...Bastards...

    Quote Originally Posted by nisora33 View Post
    Hmm, let's see...

    Major advantage to lifting in your garage:
    The gas fumes from the mower will numb you to any pain you might experience during worksets.

    Said fumes will render you delirious and unable to cry for help when you are unfortunately crushed by the weight.

    On the plus side, it'll make for one hell of a story, and we'll all send you liquor in the mail while you're recovering in the hospital.

    Idle gasoline inside the mower shouldn't do much harm. Of course this'll all become a problem should I decide to turn the mower on while lifting, which I don't see any practical use for outside of simulating a roaring crowd for encouragement on those tough sets.

    Sad to say that any alcohol'll have to be sent guised as chocolate milk until I come of age in order to avoid confiscation. Should make for an interesting GOMAD experience...
    Last edited by Mark Rippetoe; 12-03-2009 at 09:28 PM.

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