We had a problem with the clap here about 12 years ago, so we asked her to leave.
have you ever had any cases of, or heard of, infections occuring from people using your gym or one you worked in? Perhaps someone can share an anecdote.
I suspect that machine based facilities are the likely hot beds of infectious diseases more so than than hard iron based places but I was curious. I've been running my gym for 18 months and no hint of any problem so far but I'm wary and cautious and wondering if I'm missing anything.
State to state and country to country likely have laws about public health that vary no doubt.
We had a problem with the clap here about 12 years ago, so we asked her to leave.
One of our guys got a nasty infection in a graze on his upper chest. One of the junior lifters had been using the bar before him, and had been setting the bar position on one of the platforms with his foot, something we only realised when we caught him doing it a few workouts later. An inspection of his lifting shoes revealed a dry smear of dog turd that had been there for a good few days and had evidently ended up on the bar in said previous workout.
We now have a zero tolerance to bar kickers. If you put your feet on the bar, we will shit on your face.
How [I]wide-spread[I] was the problem?
yes, applause has always been a danger- particularly when people lift heavy. It spreads like wildfire- and alcohol actually makes it worse..
The question is: What kind of douche nozzle wears his lifting shoes outside the gym?
... Or perhaps: What kind of gym owner lets dogs shit on the floor?