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Thread: Roadrogue needs some elfin magic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Pittsburgh PA

    Default Roadrogue needs some elfin magic

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    What would life be without a little public humiliation? You will of course notice that I didn't post this in Rip's forum.

    I figure it's past due to start some kind of log here and maybe get some suggestions.

    I'm 58 years old, male, 140 lbs., 5'7". 10% body fat after 15 months of P90X. So I'm moderately fit for my age but certainly puss weak by the standards here.

    I just completed one month of SS's Practical Programming Novice Program. (Pullups & chinups instead of cleans)

    I won't list all of my workouts, just a summary.

    squats: started with 105. Increased by 5 lbs. each workout but at 155 I realized my form was sucking ie. not low enough, knees not wide enough. So I backed off to 130 and working on form. At 135 now.

    bench press: started with 80. Increased by 5 and now at 140 lbs. Getting difficult.

    press: started with 65. Increased to 80 (difficult) and now have failed two workouts with 85. 85x3x2 so I backed it off to 82.5 and got 5 reps on the last set. Seems too early to be hitting a block, but there it is.

    deadlift: started at 165 lbs. Increased to 175 then 180. This week tried 185 but failed. First attempt couldn't get bar off of ground. Regrouped and did 2 reps. Backed it off back to 180 and did 3 more reps.

    Maybe just a bad day.

    Pullups and chinups: First three weeks I did 3 sets of both pulls and chins on M & F with body weight. Increased up to 10 on first set of each (did pullups first since they're harder. This week I switched to weighted and going to try adding weight each session for 3x5. Only doing either chins or pulls as per program now.

    Chins: 25x5x3sets
    Pullups: 15x5x3sets

    Among the many things I can imagine Rips saying is that I need to eat more. I've gained 4 lbs. in the first month. Sleep could be better. Drinkin' too much booze. But hell; I'm 58. I deserve it.

    Those reknowned newbie gains aren't coming too fast and furious. Does this mean I'm now an intermediate after one month? Just kidding.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Pittsburgh PA


    Progress this week (#5) is:

    gained another pound. Maybe 2 for a total of 6 lbs. in 5 weeks.

    After decreasing my squat to work on form ie. depth I went up 5 lbs. to 140 and went full depth with knees out. Will add some today. Either micro (2.5 lbs.) or 5 lbs.

    deadlift: succeeded with 185 lbs. this week after failing with it last week.

    presses: microloaded to 82.5 after failing with 85 and that worked. Try 85 today.

    benches: I can't remember except that i added 5 lbs. and really had to grind out the last reps

    pullups/chins: added 5 lbs. to each and did 3x5's. Gonna add 2.5 lbs. today.

    Progress is slow but at least measurable.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Add 5# to your squats and 2.5 to your benches.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Pittsburgh PA


    Last week I failed with 185 lbs. on the deadlift. This week I did the 5 reps with it, so that's good.

    So I'm progressing but seem to be prematurely slowing. Don't know if it's an official stall yet but the only thing I can figure is to eat more and get more rest. I'm certainly giving it my best effort in gym, and I have faith that SS will work for me even at 58.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    That's elven magic, damnit. Mr Tolkien used to get personally angry at people like you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Pittsburgh PA


    starting strength coach development program
    I stand corrected but I can use whatever I can get.

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