Forgive my ignorance, but what does 5 hills mean?
I've been logging everything elsewhere for a while, but decided to start a log here.
Last week in the gym was pretty terrible. I'm definitely hoping for more out of this week.
155x5, 155x3 (+2 push), 155x1 (+4 push)
Power clean
170x5x3, 170x1x2
5 hills
Not too bad overall. I would like to have gotten all the presses without doing push presses, but today was the best my elbows & wrists have felt in a week or so, so I'm okay with it. Probably going to need to reset them soon though.
Same for the power cleans; would like to have gotten them all, but I caught one low on the last set, so I just called it a day.
Forgive my ignorance, but what does 5 hills mean?
Yep - 5 hill sprints.
(Light) Squat
215x2x5, 215x1x4
7, 6, 6
Bench was feeling awesome up until the last rep. Got it about halfway up, but couldn't get it locked out though. That's my third time in a row missing at 215 - time for something to change. I'm thinking either adding some tricep accessory work (Dips? Close grip bench?) or moving away from linear progression. Same goes for the overhead press
Anybody have any suggestions? I've already reset my bench and my press a few times; have dropped to 2.5 lb jumps for both. I keep seeming to stall out around 215 for bench & 155 for press...
How many times have you deloaded your bench? Deloading and taking another run at it does wonders for me. Something mental about deloading and working back up. 215/220 was a big mental area for me. After deloading and taking 3 runs up, I blasted through. Now I'm at 240, but I remember how tough that area was.
I'd have to look at some of my older logs to be sure but this is at least the third time I've stalled around 215/155. But, after the last time I stalled out I switched over to 5/3/1 for a few months (because of the stalling presses & a few other reasons). Switched back to SS, more or less the onus wunsler variation, at the end of May. This is my first stall since then so maybe its worth trying one more reset?
That would be my vote. I would reset to 190 and enjoy the mental boost. Keep eating and resting, and you'll get it.
EDIT: I think weighted dips are a really good idea too. I believe they are helping my bench.
Last edited by sking1001; 07-13-2011 at 08:45 PM. Reason: spelling