I am concerned about the lack of a flat back as well. It wasn't this bad in Atlanta. Perhaps the absence of yelling is a factor.
I am concerned about the lack of a flat back as well. It wasn't this bad in Atlanta. Perhaps the absence of yelling is a factor.
As luck would have it, Steve lives in Atlanta, has a loud voice, and does not mind yelling.
Imagine that.
Yelling always helps. I watched the SS dvd and worked with a mirror last night trying to remember cues you gave me and I was able to flatten the back more. I'll shoot another video.
Video is not the answer. Steve in ATL is the answer.
He should take a trip. ATL has Six Flags, the Aquarium, and my house of pain. With yelling. Maybe I'll have TBone come down for glitter and purple installation.
I'm in Orlando and attended the SS in Melbourne with Mike. My brother lives in Atlanta so ATL is a possibility.
Short David is (at least was) in the Orlando area. He needs a trip to Melbourne to work with Mike. I searched the seminar pictures for your deadlift but couldn't find one. Get there soon. I'll let him know you'll be calling.
p.s. SD, if you don't have your shoes, you aren't prepared to lift. End of story.