(This log is a continuation from here)
Back on 6/19, I ruptured my achilles, and as a result, ICNDTFP. Yesterday, for the first time, I was able to squat with a non-trivial load on my back. So, now ICDTFP with some modifications. Since I am not able to jump for probably another month or two, I can't do power cleans. Also, I have a severe problem with elbow mobility that I've had since childhood, so I may change from low bar to high bar squatting, and I may do snatches instead of cleans to accommodate that.
For the time being, however, I will be doing SS, with the substitution of Pendlay rows for cleans, and some kind of modified assisted chinup which I can do with both feet on the floor. Continuing with Lat Pulldowns is also a possibility.
My current stats are as follows:
190X5X3--in the process of a mini reset.(PR 215X8[ca 2006])
130X4,1,4(PR 135X1)
185X4,195X5, 205X5(PR 305X5X3, 315X1)
245X4(PR 315X1, 295X3)
Long term goals
Be strongest old fart in the gym. Be stronger than 90% of all gym goers under 30. Do a chinup. Bag a double century on the bike. Be the stealth bomber of fitness.
Short term goals(thanksgiving 2011)
Bench 225 for reps
Press 155 for reps
Squat 315 for reps
Deadlift 315 for reps
How do the squats feel? Is there any pain?
Squats were hard, and I was, and still am sore a bit, but my foot is not the obstacle it was. My adductors, glutes, hams, and quads were pretty well cooked. My lack of mobility over the past few months meant I lost a lot of strength from the lower back to the knee, to the point that even walking a 1/4 mile was hard. I took a week or so just walking at the mall to fix that. When I woke up Friday, I wasn't sore in my legs, so I figured it was as good a time as any to try a weighted squat, and worked from an empty bar to 205. I am sore from that, so I have quite a bit of catching up to do.
Congratulations!! I have been following your progress and wanted to wish you well. I am impressed by your jump from not being able to squat at all to squatting 205 your first time back under the bar.
Thanks, I had tried to do everything I could to keep my strength up while I was rehabbing, with mixed success. Upper body is pretty good, but I lost a lot of strength in my deadlift and squat.
Had to cut my workout a bit short today:
Modified Calf Raise:
70lbX10, 80lbX10, 90lbX10--this is a rehab exercise to strengthen the weak calf muscle. I sit on a weight bench, put the dumbbell on my knee, and do a calf raise. When I can put a 140lb dumbbell on my knee, I'll transition to the (gasp!) smith machine and do two legged calf raises with 135 or something like that, and LP up to 315, doing 10 or 20 lbs/workout. When I can do a 315 lb calf raise with both legs, I'll abandon the exercise, because at that point, the weak leg should be able to do a single-legged calf raise, which means my foot will probably be fully rehabbed, and I'll be able to run and jump and do stuff like that.
185X5X3--I dropped the weight a wee bit, because I switched from lowbar to highbar. My foot position may be a bit wide for an oly squat, but my depth is still pretty good according to the trainer at my new gym(these guys actually seem to know what they are doing).
I had to bag the rest of the workout, though. I was finishing my last warmup on the press, when I dumped the weight, expecting it to land on the pins, and the right side didn't, and I instinctively tried to catch it. Not sure if I bruised or strained, spasmed my right arm in the process, but when I started my workset, it didn't really feel too good, so I cut the workout short, came home and took some ibuprofen and a leftover percocet just in case. If it bothers me tomorrow, I'll give it a week of daily high-rep low weight work for benches and presses.
Last edited by John Bono; 10-10-2011 at 08:13 PM.
Good workout today. My right bicep hurts a bit, but didn't interfere w/any of my lifts. That means probably I could have done this Monday--bad on me.
195X5, 205X5, 215X4.5--Needed to ramp the weight up a bit. I might have cut my depth a bit short on the last rep, so I'm calling that 4.5 rather than 5. I'll repeat 215 on Friday.
Overhead Press:
130X4,5,5--Me trying to do multiple reps w/out taking a breath in between isn't a smart thing to do. I failed the last rep on the first set as a result. The next two, though, the weight moved slow, but did all reps. Going to 132.5 next time.
Single Leg Calf raise
100lbX10X3--I just realized today that now I can do a calf raise of 100lbs, I can use the leg press sled to do these from now on.
Sumo Deadlift
245X5--I decided to switch to sumo, because it is easier to sumo deadlift belted. Between this and high-bar squatting I think that means that I am now doing Bizarro World Starting Strength. All I need to do is switch to push presses, and my journey to the dark side will be complete.
I think I'm starting to get back to normal. My squat is ok and my deadlift sucks. Had PT today as well. I definitely think there was some interference between the two.
215X5X3--I didn't have anyone paying attention to my depth. I don't think I cut myself short on the depth, but you never know.
192.5X5X3--If I can do 195X5X3 on Wed, I'll be back to the pre-injury strength for this.
Sumo Deadlift
255X3.5--grip failure. The new gym uses thicker barbells than the globogym, and I lost my grip on the fourth rep. I tried redoing with a mixed grip, but I was cooked.
Calf Raise:
103X?--tried this on a leg press. I was just too beaten up between therapy, squats, and deads.
Very minor milestone today:
X5X3 Pretty easy. I think I might have shorted myself on a rep or two, but otherwise, no prob.
Overhead Press:
132.5X4,4,3--redo on Fri.
Inverted rows(sorta)
5,4,4,3something. First time doing this, my technique was crap.
Leg Press Calf Raise
103(empty sled)X3X10--geez, that was hard.
Bagged Sumos on account of time, and pretty sore hams.
Last edited by John Bono; 10-17-2011 at 07:48 PM.
Mixed day today.
PT today plus
Bench Press
195X5X3--Thus ends the longest reset in SS history. I reset my bench back on May 6, and finally today, managed to do 195X5X3.
Did a couple of warmup sets to 155, then bagged it. PT really cooked my hams, adductors, and left foot, and even warming up felt tight and not very good. Decided not to go through with squats and deads as a result.
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