33yr Male - Zero Barbell Training
As the title says,
No previous barbell training
No sports background, but I did do a stretch in the Army from 2000 to 2006.
~195lb while writing this post 4 weeks into SS
Background: (feel free to skip)
I started a "by the book" RFL run as a Cat3 on Dec 19 2012, and planed on trimming down to non-obese levels over the next 2-3 months from ~235. Then I was going to start running again, and basically doing the same routines I had done in the Army with the added desire to be able to do a few pull-ups. In early January however, I came across some pictures of myself at my 163lb Army weight, and decided that was now far to small for my liking.
After looking around for a bit at different weight lifting sites I found SL, and (luckily) then Starting Strength. I read the book, bought some weights, and built a rack and platform.
I'm going to finish up my RFL (I hate to not finish something once I start,) but I got a little impatient to start SS after I got everything ready at the end of January, so I started SS while still under the RFL protocol.
Once recovery becomes an issue I will begin increasing my food intake to do things right. (Per the Clarification article) I think this should happen right around the scheduled end of my preplanned RFL cycle, so it should work out about right.
First Month's Progress:
Squat- 125lbs < 225
Bench- 100 < 140
Deadlift- 165 < 260
Press- 85 < 105
P Clean- 85 < 110
Chin-Up- 0 < 1
Second Month:
Squat- 225 < 280
Bench- 140 < 170
Deadlift- 260 < 300
Press- 105 < 122.5
P Clean- 110 < 127.5
Chin-Up- 1 < 3
BW- 198 < 208
Third Month:
Squat- 280 < 315
Bench- 170 < 195
Deadlift- 300 < 300
Press- 122.5 < 135
P Clean- 127.5 < 145
Chin-Up- 3 < 4
BW- 208 < 218
Last edited by Ishmael; 05-17-2012 at 06:45 AM.
Jan 28, 2012
Week Zero
Starting Workout
Squat x 135lbs x5x5x5
Bench x 135 x5x5x5
Deadlift x 165 x5
Pull-Up Negatives BW x5x5x5
I decided to go ahead and try the First Day workout protocol plus some pull-ups a week before starting to get some of the DOMS out of the way.
It appears I have zero upper back strength it seems, as not only are pull-ups out, but pulling my shoulder blades together while benching is problematic.
Last edited by Ishmael; 02-29-2012 at 08:50 AM.
Good choice on SS over SL, I came to that revelation at the end of 2011. Pull-ups aren't easy it took me years (seriously) of training them so I could get to a point where I could scare 10 reps on the consecutive sets. Have you thought about trying chin-ups? I find them to be much easier, plus they work teh gunz ;-)
Forgive my ignorance, what does RFL stand for?
Never mind that, figured it out.
edit #2:
For your first ever BB training session I'd say those are some good numbers!
Last edited by Mr_Rogers; 02-27-2012 at 02:41 PM.
Feb 1, 2012
Starting Workout 2
Squat x 125 x5x5x5
Press x 85 x5x5x5
P Clean x 85 x3x3x3x3x3
Pull-Up Negatives BW x5x5x5
Yep, the DOMS were killer from a few days before. Had me walking sideways down the stairs.
Had to drop the squat a little, as form was less than good today.
I only did the Power Cleans to have something else to do, and won't start them the first week.
I did a few more negatives as the back is going to need some work.
SS just makes too much sense. I am really glad I kept digging through the bodybuilding sites, and found Starting Strength.
I've never been able to do pull-ups or chin-ups, but I have never trained to do them either. I will be focusing on chin-ups during SS. I can almost get "one" chin-up now.
RFL is short for the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook diet. Here is a link.
-Edits missed in posting.
Last edited by Ishmael; 02-27-2012 at 02:47 PM.
Feb 7, 2012
Week 1
All warmups will be done using this calculator.
Squat x 125bs x5x5x5
Bench x 135 x3 (couldn't stabilize today, bar floating from side to side)
---reset following first workout protocol
Bench x 100 x5x5x5
Deadlift x 165 x5
Chin-Up Negatives BW x5x5x5
I wasn't sore anymore, but I could not control the bar on the bench today. The bar started moving from side to side on the second rep, and on the third rep it was worse so I called it.
I didn't have any problem throwing the weight up, I just couldn't stabilize it. I threw ego out, and re-ran the first day progression. At 100lb I had to really concentrate to keep the bar stable, so I'm starting here.
Last edited by Ishmael; 02-29-2012 at 08:51 AM.
Feb 9, 2012
Warmups following this calculator.
Squat x 135 x5x5x5
Press x 85 x5x5x5
Deadlift x 180 x5
Pull-Up Negatives BW x5x5x5
Felt good today. The Press shrugs are going to hurt tomorrow.
Last edited by Ishmael; 02-27-2012 at 04:26 PM.
Feb 11, 2012
Squat x 145 x5x5x5
Bench x 105 x5x5x5
Deadlift x 195 x5
Chin-Up Jumping x5x5x5
Still working on keeping my shoulders tight on the bench.
Last edited by Ishmael; 02-27-2012 at 03:14 PM.
Feb 13, 2012
Week 2
Squat x 155lbs x5x5x5
Press x 90 x5x5x5
P Clean x 85 x3x3x3x3x3
Pull-Up Negative BW x5x5x5xhang
My back was still a little tired today, so I went ahead and moved the Deadlift to every other workout a week earlier than planned.
I started the power cleans at a pretty low weight to play with racking some. I'm going to have to work on my flexibility to get my elbows up higher it seems.
Last edited by Ishmael; 02-29-2012 at 08:51 AM.
Feb 16, 2012
Squat x 165 x5x5x5
Bench x 110 x5x5x5
Deadlift x 210 x5
Chin-Up Jumping BW x5x5x5xhang
Bench is still a little loose.
Surpassed BW on the Deadlift.
Last edited by Ishmael; 02-27-2012 at 03:21 PM.
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