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Thread: SS third attempt. Targeting B/W press and 200kg squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Scotland, Burns Country

    Default SS third attempt. Targeting B/W press and 200kg squat

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hi all, work, location, and a new gym have conspired to allow me another bash at SS. This will be the third time I've done the program, after circumstances have halted me on my previous attempts. However, being a resilient character, I'm back again.

    On my first attempt I went from complete beginner to squatting 1x bodyweight (100kgs), and beyond, and changed my body composition spectacularly.

    On my second attempt, I reached 185kg squats with no signs of progress slowing, however my press got stuck at about 70kg, which led me to hook up with the local weightlifting club, who slated my lifting, and disagreed with mine (Rip's) fine logic which discouraged me to the point of giving up. Going back to half squats with the bar on my neck, thumbs around the bar, and looking up is counter productive, and interferes with my becoming a superstrong sexual tyrannosaurus.

    On my third attempt I will be trusting the word of Rip, advice from the forum, and generally doing what I think is right, and will achieve 200kg squats, and body weight presses. Signed up at the gym near my new office yesterday, and had a quick session to see where I'm at. My weights are all down considerably, but my form seems well enough. I can still remember the various cues I'd learnt, and it feels great to be back.
    Pretty sore today, but if I remember correctly it goes after a week or so....

    Height is still 5'9, weight as of yesterday was 97kgs (body fat is, well, plentyful - so it'll be interesting to see if my weight goes down then back up...)

    Squatted 80kgs, but it felt heavy, so I'll be starting at 70kg. Might go up in tens for a week or so, but I'll wait and see. Benched up to 60kgs, but will drop to 50 to start, Deadlifted 100kgs, absolutely no probs, so might start from there. Press will no doubt continue to be my weak spot, but we'll see how it goes. Power cleans will no doubt continue to be too slow and clumsy until either the weight gets sufficient to stop that, or something else bad happens. It would probably be prudent to find a space in the gym next weekend and work on my clean form.

    The weighlifting club gave me some tips, but since they had me clean the empty bar with no plates off of the floor, it would probably be wise to disregard them entirely.

    Any comments/encouragement/debate welcome!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Southern Wis


    Awesome. It's great that you got a log started.

    Now, since you are probably a strapping mix of Celtic and Norse brawn, when it's time for that body weight press will you be painting yourself blue and wearing a kilt and celebrating with Williams Bros finest?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Scotland, Burns Country


    Bob, yeah, that's pretty much spot on, and yes, any excuse to get a kilt on...

    Jon, if theres one thing I like, its a challenge. I'll be watching you!

    When I was squatting 185, my press was floundering around 65-70 kilos, so well done that man. I've never went a week without putting at least 5kg on my squats - probably to the detriment of other lifts though.
    Last edited by Von Scotch; 03-27-2012 at 12:28 AM. Reason: forgot the word "never"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Von Scotch View Post
    ........any excuse to get a kilt on.........
    Squatting in a kilt may not be so pretty

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Scotland, Burns Country


    Week 1, Day one.

    Squat 3x5x80 - no probs, plenty in the tank
    Bench 3x5x50 - much the same
    Dead 1x5x100 - all good.

    Only dilemma is finding a space to do cleans on Wednesday. Wonder if they can be done in the rack?

    Feel a million dollars. DOMS from Saturday's weight assessment rapidly disappearing after first real sesh. Who knows what tomorrow might hold though....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Southern Wis


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Von Scotch View Post
    Feel a million dollars. DOMS from Saturday's weight assessment rapidly disappearing after first real sesh.
    Who knows what tomorrow might hold though....
    Ain't that great? It's why we get up in the morning.

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