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Thread: Sleeping like a log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Sleeping like a log

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Perhaps that's the only part of the program that I'm doing right. At least when my crazy shifts or my 18 month old boy allow me.

    I'm 36 years old, I have been lifting weights on and off since I was 20. Coming back from a 3 year long layoff, I was grossly obese (5'11" 285lbs). At the beginning of the year, did a cut to 255lbs, so right now I'm just obese. Started the program in April after finding Starting Strength while looking for a video on the proper technique for pressing.

    First two workouts:
    2012.04.17: Squats 176, Bench 176, Dead 220
    2012.04.19: Squats 185, Press 97, Dead 229

    Last two workouts:
    2012.05.24: Squats 229, Press 128, Dead 220, Chins -68
    2012.05.30: Squats 238, Bench 218, Dead 224, Chins -57

    Body weight has been stable since April, even though I'm eating a lot. Diet has been pretty clean.

    The Good:
    - All in all, I'm finding the program a real joy to follow. This is actually the first time in 16 years I feel there's any structure to my lifting.
    - My wife and stepdaughter seem to be interested in starting the program themselves.
    - The callus management video is probably one of the most useful things in the intertubes ever!

    The Bad:
    - I've had lower back problems intermittently in the last 5 years, and it just flared up again two weeks ago, so I had to deload drastically on the squat and deadlift.
    - to my utter humiliation, I can't even do one proper BW chin-up, so I'm using this grotesque contraption at the gym that allows me to cheat in a titratable manner.
    - not doing cleans right now, not with my hideous technique and my bad back -- yes, everyone has an excuse.
    - it's been really tough to get my arms in the proper position for low-bar squatting.
    - recovery time is sub-optimal (training afternoons on Tuesday and mornings on Thursday)
    - no lifting shoes, no belt (my gym has a few but they're too small for me -- at least chalk is provided)
    - my overhead press is WEAK. In fact, everything is weak, but my OHP is too damned weak.

    The Ugly:
    Bench press is starting to feel heavy, I was straining so much during my last session, probably recruiting every muscle chain available and actually failed the last rep. When it was over, one of my little toes was sticking out of a hole in my shoes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    I dropped squats and deadlifts entirely during my mid 40's because I kept hurting my back. I started them up again last year and am doing much better having my form cleaned up at 61. So my theory is that the bad back is an issue based largely on form for many people.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    I agree partly with you, deadlifts aggravate my back mostly, and the first time I did one was right before my last layoff 3 years ago, so improper technique is probably involved. However, if I recall correctly, this is the first time I've hurt my back while training -- usually my back only hurts when I'm de-trained. My experience is that after a reasonable period of time training squats (at least a few months) my paravertebrals get stronger and I'm pain-free for about half a year, even if I stop training.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Sleep: DDR

    Pre: milk, bread, cheese, Romeo y Julieta Mille Fleurs

    Squat 243 x 5 x 3
    Press 130 x 5 x 3, form breaking down on the last rep of the last set
    Dead 229 x 5 x1, no PAIN
    Chins -53 x 5 x 3

    Post: nothing, had to wait for lunch.

    - started increasing squats and deadlifts by 2kgs, bench and overhead press by 1kg
    - saw some skinny dude quarter squatting with a pad, while somebody was hump spotting him. Then, a bro who's always wearing a krav-maga t-shirt couldn't contain himself and started humping the spotter. What is this, train-spotting? Now excuse me while I gouge my eyes out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Wherever the music takes me, kitten


    Quote Originally Posted by wringles View Post
    When it was over, one of my little toes was sticking out of a hole in my shoes.
    Bless your heart man . .that is some pushing . . .I am laughing my ass off right now . .not at you . .but because I am you . . .hang in there brother. . . ROFLMAO....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Sleep: 5 hours, but managed a 2 hour nap the day before.

    Pre: soy milk, bread, cheese

    Squats: 247 x 5 x 3
    Bench: 218 x 5 x 3, lost tightness and missed the last rep
    Deadlift: 234 x 5 x 1
    Chins: -47 x 5 x 3

    Post: beef, sausages, bread, cheese

    - I find it easier to do chins while breathing normally. Is it bad form?
    Last edited by wringles; 06-03-2012 at 04:38 PM. Reason: Spelling

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    BW: 255 lbs
    Sleep: 4h low quality, power nap 3h before training
    Pre: nothing

    Squats: 251 * 5 * 3
    Press: 132 * 5 * 3
    Deadlift: 229 * 5, wrong weight $#!7!
    Chinups: -42 * 4, 2, 2, I suck

    Post: dinner

    - really happy that the OHP seemed a lot easier than last time, paying more attention to snapping under the bar
    - tweaked my lower back getting out of bed in the morning, but didn't feel anything while lifting
    - must buy a belt ASAP
    - squatting grip is finally becoming comfortable, at least during the work sets

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Sleep: DDR
    Pre: milk, granola, bread, cheese

    Squats: 256 * 5 * 3
    Bench: 220 * 5 * 3
    Deadlift: 238 * 5
    Chinups: -42 * 5 * 3

    Post: chocolate milk, a banana

    Notes: easy day, gym was full, but of course nobody was using the power rack (thankfully).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Sleep: 8h
    Pre: lasagna

    Squats: 260 x 5 x 3
    Press: 134 x 5 x 3
    Deadlifts: 243 x 5

    Post: milk

    Notes: have to pay more attention to form while pressing; perhaps back is hyperextending somewhat. Need to lug missus to the gym to keep an eye for me. No back pain today. No more L2-L3 paresthesia when lying down

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    Sleep: ~7h, but caught a 1h nap before training
    Pre: nothing

    Squats: 265 x 5 x 3
    Bench: 223 x 5 x 3
    Deadlifts: 247 x 5
    Chinups: -37 x 5 x 3

    Post: milk

    Notes: another good day at the gym.

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