Not my bailiwick, sorry.
Got some bloodwork back today. I requested it to have a look at my test levels since I had been on the low end of normal in the past. It appears I am within normal ranges (although I don't know much about how to interpret these results properly), but one thing is really puzzling: my DHT is through the roof:
Free Testosterone: 56.1 (31.0 - 94.0 pmol/L)
Adrostenedione: 14.9 (2.1 - 10.8 nmol/L)
Testosterone Bioavailable: 10.3 (2.7 - 19.2 nM)
Dihydrotestosterone: >8600 (860 - 3406 pmol/L)
In parenthesis are the normal ranges. Mine was so high, it went beyond what the equipment could test for. I'll be having a follow up test done to ensure it wasn't an anomalous result, but assuming it wasn't, can you shed any light on what this might mean? My doctor said he's never had a patient with DHT that high. Is it a good/bad thing, and could it be a response to training? I understand this may be outside your scope of expertise, but I'm not sure who else I could ask. Obviously my doctor had no idea of what relevance this is to heavy weight training.
One thing I have noticed is that I've made some pretty remarkable increases in strength over the past few motnhs while holding bodyweight constant, despite a terrible sleep schedule, and a sporadic diet.
Thanks for your time.
Not my bailiwick, sorry.
Are you sure itīs not a typo?
Well, you must be completely bald and hairless with those numbers.
Since dht is a metabolite of testosterone if you inhibit it's production it should correspond with an increase in testosterone levels. Unless it effects the negative feedback loop and your body lowers test production but this that's unlikely if the higher test levels are still within what's normal and the test is only being produced naturally and due to the stress of training.
Astaxanthin has been shown to have a significant effect on this. It's an antioxidant carotenoid from algae that give salmon its pink hue. It inhibits the conversion of testosterone to dht along with alot of other beneficial effects on mitochondria and immune system. I personally have recommend it for any male, it's only an antioxidant and i've had an increased capacity for training, recovery and not getting ill as often (at all actually).
don't know much about the impact of high DHT, but there's one study floating around that showed creatine to raise DHT. Are you supplemeting with creatine?