What is your reasoning for 10s instead of 5s?
Hello coach!
Wanted to ask your opinion about my programming. IANDTP, the difference being mostly the reps quantity and I don't think I can keep increasing the weight by 5lbs each workout if I do 3x10 instead of 3x5. I tried to find some 3x10 routines similar to SS, but all I find is split-routines, which are, let's say, a bit different from SS.
Does the following program seem reasonable to you?
Day 1
Squat 3x10
Press 3x10
Pull-ups 3x10
Day 2
Dead-lift 3x6
Bench press 3x10
Curls 3x10
Everything else is as in SS: increasing weight by 5lbs each work-out for Squat and Presses and 10lbs for Dead-lift, and 3 workouts by week alternating Day 1 and Day 2.
I am 30 and I think I am an advanced novice by now, 6' and 170lb (I know, I know - I am trying to increase my weight).
Thanks in advance, would really appreciate your opinion.
What is your reasoning for 10s instead of 5s?
and what's the reasoning for Deadlift: 3x6 instead of 1x5? Also, CURLS?!
10s must be bettera than 5s as ten is a more biggera number than five. I think I will try sets of 31s to see how much more bettera 31s are than 5s.
1. Right now I want to gain more muscle mass than strength. After some time will probably switch to 3x5.
2. I may be wrong, I think you said somewhere that people respond differently to different rep ranges, so I decided to give it a try and see what are the results. So I needed your advice in programming it the best way possible in order to have a fair comparison with 3x5, which is surely programmed the best way possible.
6ft 170lb...... advanced novice.....?