Ride that horse till it bucks you off, son. It'll always be hard if it's working.
Hi Rip,
I think my volume might be too high on the TM. I started the program 2 months ago using the 90% of 5RM for volume that you recommended, but I've been adding 5lbs ever since that day on both volume and intensity day. Right now my volume squats are at 360x5x5, and intensity is at 385x5x1. Bench press is 220x5x5 and 230x5x1, press is 165x5x5 and 175x5x1, and deadlift is 400x5x1.
I haven't been failing intensity but it's starting to feel real hard, on the brink of failure. Should I decrease my volume load, hold it constant, or something else? Volume bench press and press feel relatively easy/medium in difficulty. Thanks.
Ride that horse till it bucks you off, son. It'll always be hard if it's working.
The first change to TM is that Friday goes to 3s, 2s, and singles across alternated every week..
I'm assuming this would be applicable for a four-day split routine as well. My Bench has stalled, and I was looking for some suggestions on modifying my programing to continue to make some gains. Squat and Deadlift is still going up by 5 lbs weekly, Press is slowing and becoming very difficult.
Male, 43, 5'10, 230 lbs (a little too fluffy, but not too bad)
Squat: 305x5x5 / 335x5RM / 355x1RM
Dead: 345x5RM / 405x1RM
Bench: 205x5x5 / 225x5RM / 245x1RM
Press: 150x5x5 / 162x5RM / 170x1RM
Current Programming:
Mon: Bench (Intensity) x5 / Press (Volume) 5x5 / Chins
Tue: Squat (Volume) / Rows
Thu: Press (Intensity) x 5 / Bench (Volume) 5x5 / Chins
Fri: Squat (Intensity) x 5 / Deadlift x 5
Was going to do a slight deload this week and switch to 3s on Intensity days for Press and Bench. In your opinion, is this an approach worth trying or would you recommend something different?
Appreciate your advice -- the only Intermediate lifter I have coached/programmed for is myself and I'm scratching my head on best way to proceed at the moment.
Thanks again, -Joe
Note to the Forum: Not doing Power Cleans while I'm at sea on deployment--I'll add them back in when I'm able to train ashore.
I wouldn't just do 3s, easy to get stuck again that way. I think they are close enough to 5s that you need the contrast provided by 2s and 1s.
While a TM discussion is up i'll ask something about my own progression.
I'm at 410 for 3X3 on ID and 360 for 4 sets of 5, my ass is still being kicked regularly with that much volume (I can't go much higher in terms of weight), but I am stalling on I-D(only switch triples and doubles, no singles, every week)
Should I got back to 5X5 or should I add a lighter back off set for say 8 reps?
bodyweight is 238&6'1(wanting to enter as a 242 competitor in 3 months)