For a long time I've had difficulties executing a full power jerk with weights that are very easy for me to push press/power jerk and catch above parallel. I am confident that my flexibility is good. I can back squat ATG with no problems, catch cleans with elbows parallel to the floor, but I simply haven't managed to find balance.

I have regularly practiced with light overhead squats and even then I am extremely wobbly. Today I looked at loads of pictures of Olers and they all seem to have what I thought I shouldn't have -- lots of wrist extension. I probably carried over the principles of the press into my jerk technique but now that I think about it, I'm not supposed to push the weight up with my arms, I'm just catching it.

Have I been doing it wrong by preventing my wrists from falling back? I don't think I've seen a single image where the wrists aren't completely extended. In any case I'll be trying it out next time.