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Thread: The new hate piece

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas

    Default The new hate piece

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Just to save you guys some time, I've read it. Don't post it here, and don't forward it around, because that the whole point of shit like this. As usual, it is devoid of actual argument, it has been written badly by someone who has absolutely no idea about what is in the book or the seminar, and who is trying to up his own web exposure by criticizing us without any substantive argument. We will not help him out by linking to it here. He plainly states he is squarely in the CF camp, and this will make him some money. He also states that he's associated with Pendlay et al, so just to remind everybody about why this is probably a bad idea:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Wherever the music takes me, kitten


    I'm human. You are human. Attacks, even if bullshit, can sometimes have an impact . .even if we are not aware of them. Take that article in stride but know this:

    there is a man in this world that is walking, lifting, enjoying life and his family because of your time, program and coaching. And I do not stand alone (pun intended)

    Yes, increasing ones squat is an awesome thing. How does it compare to providing and aiding someone in the opportunity to get their life back. Even just one person.

    I don't want this to become a slather Rip's nob . so if you don't even post this - -no worries. Just knowing that you read it accomplishes what I want.

    And I am still at it. I owe you, Mark.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013


    I wonder how many of your readers had no idea what you were talking about before you wrote this. I certainly didn't. Actually, I still don't - a cursory google search didn't immediately turn up whatever you're talking about. And now I'm torn between wanting to do my own thinking, and not just blindly accept your judgement on the matter, versus not dignifying a troll by spreading their crap.

    Not that I suppose it matters. Based on my own judgement, I became convinced that I had more to learn from Rip than from Medhi, since Rip was obviously a better teacher. It's hard to believe that someone is going to claim that they have a better system than ours for newbies to learn, progress, and get stronger more quickly, which is all that would affect me. If this is more debate about the Olympics -- it doesn't affect me directly, I don't care for the Olympics in general anyway, and frankly, I'm not really entitled to have an opinion about effective methods for training Olympic level athletes.

    Related question: how many people read how many strength related websites on a regular basis? As a complete newb, I just read this site -- should I be more widely read about this stuff? Is there more I should learn/care about at this point?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Everybody needs to read as much as they have time for, compare the analyses, and make up their own minds about everything. EVERYTHING, not just strength training.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    La Jolla California


    "this Rippetoe thing has gone way too far."

    Quelle douche! Excuse my french.

    Thanks, Rip for your excellent writing and patient explanation. Novices weight trainers all over the world have benefitted hugely from your experience and insight, which is exactly as you intended.

    I reckon there's more than one way to skin a cat and reasonable minds can differ and all that. But the fact remains that Starting Strength changes lives for the better.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Jones View Post
    And I am still at it. I owe you, Mark.
    Just want to add to this.

    This morning I bent over, straightened my back out, and picked up 385 lbs. off the ground. It's not a state record, it's not even that impressive compared to some of the guys here, but it's a personal record. It's something I never would have done without reading your books, and lifting has made my life better. Much better.

    I also owe you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    No nob slathering. Buuut....if this piece were written as a parody of persuasive argument, it'd be brilliant. For anybody who gives a shit, how many logical/rhetorical fallacies can you find in this article?

    I especially liked the way in which the author established a standard by which to measure authorities on coaching squats (presumably a 700+ squat)...and then cites Grey Cook as one of the "new" authorities. Fucking. Brilliant.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Finland, Espoo, Tapiola


    I am confused. Maybe eating some pork will help.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Flyover Country


    I don't understand why people can't write articles about how much they disagree with your opinions on strength training without being hateful cunts about it. How hard is it to just say "Well, here's what Rip thinks and this is why we think he's wrong/dumb/misinformed/clearly a communist." Is it to boost their "cred" online, since a nice, polite article about high bar>low bar doesn't sell well, for example?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by blandrick View Post
    I don't understand why people can't write articles about how much they disagree with your opinions on strength training without being hateful cunts about it. How hard is it to just say "Well, here's what Rip thinks and this is why we think he's wrong/dumb/misinformed/clearly a communist." Is it to boost their "cred" online, since a nice, polite article about high bar>low bar doesn't sell well, for example?
    I don't think it's about building "cred" so much as about getting page views. No such thing as bad publicity and all that. I'm guessing it goes both ways and a good number of people who read it will eventually stumble over here, or onto Rip's books.

    As far as his actual "analysis," there isn't any. There's a good dose of appeal to authority and resorting to namecalling. Nowhere does he make an actual biomechanical argument about the superiority of one squat model over another. In fact, nowhere does he even clearly articulate the difference between the two models.

    We blind-huggers-of-the-nuts-of-Rippetoe are left wondering how we've been deceived. Does anything in his 3 tips to squat better than a Rippetoe-ian actually contradict the SS:BBT3 squat model?

    I guess it's supposed to really function as a not-too-covert advertising piece for his own lifting seminars.

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