Perhaps gaining weight is not your primary problem right now.
Yeah... I'm going through a divorce now, and just lost about 7lbs in a single week. Trust me, I tried to eat. I can't sleep more than 5, 6 hours per night, and I JUST CAN"T FUCKING EAT. I'll eat a single damned egg for breakfast and fell like throwing up the next. Before this bullshit started, I will easily eat half dozen of boiled eggs along with 3, 4 glasses of milk. Dinner is bullshit, I used to eat a roasted chicken for lunch and then another roasted chicken for dinner, but now just smelling it makes me want to hurl. Although I wasn't gaining weight quickly, I was making steady gains on LP before this.
All my lifts are stalling, and even after resetting, it seems that I fuck up my lifts due to bullshit reasons. For example, my elbow will give up while squatting, or my shoulder just completely gives up while deadlifting, or somehow my back fucks up while i'm benching. total bullshit.
Fuck, I can't even expect advice out of this forum, but this is pissing the hell out of me I gotta get it out of my system somehow.
Perhaps gaining weight is not your primary problem right now.
Unless you're a professional athlete, your personal life will take precedence over your lifting life. The death of a loved one, be it a close relative, a significant other or pet will fuck you up in the head and so will a tougj breakup. Shit like that has happened to me and there's not much you can do besides letting it heal. Don't stop trainig if possible, it will help keep some semblance of sanity in your life. About diet, try to at least maintain a good protein intake. Buy one of those tasty proteins like Syntha 6 or muscle milk, drink as much as your can of those and throw in some bcaa to fill in the gaps.
Good luck and hope you get better.
Been there, done that. Try to maintain your lifts. Eat what you can. Don't kill anybody. It will seem like a broken souled hell for a while . .but it will change. Don't drink TOO much..if you do don't fucking drive OR call her. Lift...sorry about the circumstances.
Just keep going to the gym. Do the work, but don't sweat progress for now and use the time to work some stress out of your system. At best, you might maintain the status quo. Life gets in the way sometimes. It's just the way it is. Don't sweat it. Keep your head screwed on right, and it'll work itself out in the long run.
Walking (1 hr minimum) is another thing that is helping me get through it. Doesn't fuck with your recovery as much as running, biking, or some other fad-cardio bullshit out there. Seems to help with the appetite and sleep as well. Time heals all wounds.
It's just so frustrating that each time I go lift, I don't know if I'll maintain, make progress, or go backwards.
This morning I tried to squat. I was trying for 3 sets of 275lbs, but today just warming up with 245 i got stuck at bottom twice and to fall forward to get out. Severely bruised ego, and 2nd time somehow my front abs had cramps for half hour after I bailed out.
If you can't eat, you can't train. Just wait.
Second this. It's a shitty time, and the best you can do is try to minimize the damage ... to your training, to your ego, to your reputation, etc. Don't be too hard on yourself; you will not be at your best in any capacity for a while. I drank and fucked my way through my divorce. It sort of worked for me ... the sex kept my ego from being crushed, but the drinking got expensive.