Let's see what the MRI says. In the meantime you can Prowl, and if that hurts, stop and wait.
Hi All,
I am 43 and a novice lifter. I started off in Crossfit, but quickly realized that I was going to really hurt myself if I kept progressing as they wanted me to with the lifting. So, the hubs and I built our own gym and have been using Starting Strength as our coach.
I have had intermittent Sciatica since I was a teen. Before, it was NOT a disc issue, it had to do with where the nerve crossed the hipbone somewhere. I usually had pain in my hip and down the left leg.
Recently, I have been Back Squatting about 155lbs, Deadlifting 165lbs, Bench 80lbs and Press 65lbs. The day after working out, I bent over to pick up an empty milk jug and it felt like someone shot me in the left hip. The pain didn't go down my back, it crossed over to the other hip and went down the left side of my tailbone.
I rested, got meds, shots, etc. Have an appointment for an MRI to see if it is disc related on Friday. What can I do in the mean time to keep from just not doing anything? I read about how using the Prowler can help...anything else?
Thanks in advance!
Let's see what the MRI says. In the meantime you can Prowl, and if that hurts, stop and wait.