I got tired just watching that. That weight is a little too heavy for you to do for a set of five. Find something you can pull while keeping your hands on the bar. You want your deadlifts to take about 1/4 to 1/3 as long as they did there. You sometimes start with your shoulders too far in front of the bar. Bring your shins to the bar by dropping your butt, not leaning forward until the weight is on your toes. I also recommend putting your shoes back on.
Got it. Ill post a follow up tomorrow. Am I doing fine as far as back extension is concerned? It is the main reason why I tend to pussy out during the set by "resting", lol.
Im also receiving a velcro belt soon for pulls only; hope it will help.
You round a little by reps four and five, but I have seen worse. Given that every one of those looks like it is close to a 1RM, you hold things together fairly well. I recommend emulating Comrade Wolf in the video below. Note that once he starts his deadlifts, he gets things over fairly quickly. The longer you spend down there, the worse things get.
Heres the follow up video, with me trying to follow fellow Comrade Good Squatter Wolf by deloading 15 lbs, cutting down on my set time, and lowering my hips instead of leaning forward.