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Thread: We - -YOU - -can help make a dream come true. Request for assistance.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Wherever the music takes me, kitten

    Default We - -YOU - -can help make a dream come true. Request for assistance.

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025

    Dan Miller has been a member of the forum for a while. I met Dan when he reached out to me after hearing my story. He wanted to offer me a "Rip Rack" that he had fabricated at the family business. That way I could lift at home during my rehabilitation. I paid him for it - but it would have had to be only a nominal fee. I think he charged me something just to protect my pride. While traveling from New York to Kentucky with all 6 of my kids, Dan was generous to offer us the family vacation home to stay in while we were visiting (we politely deferred as we were excited to get back home) He has a giving heart (like a curmodeonly Texan I know). Dan also offers high quality microplates for sale at a song here on the forums. For what he charges - he just has to love helping others. Dan has also served our country during recent conflict overseas. He is a solid gentleman.

    He sent me the following last night. He has a friend - Scott - that is in a fight with MS. While he is still able, he would like for Scott to be able to enjoy one of his lifelong dreams - -a safari.

    Along with Dan, I would like to ask all of us here on the forums to take a minute and follow the link - -an donate what you can. It could be $1, $5, $25 or so on. Just give something. Don't make me break out the super Brian Broke Legs Guilt trip. I'm asking, Dan's asking - please - if everyone could come off a few dollars; we could help make a dream come true for Scott.

    Rip - I appreciate you allowing us to share this. The link is active in Dan's letter below and all one needs to do is follow and drop a few bucks. Very easy.


    Aside from training, my other real passion is hunting. Scott, a friend and co-worker of mine with Multiple Sclerosis, has limited use of his right leg resulting in difficult walking with a cane. He's a lifelong hunter, dog trainer, shooter, and reloader. He's expressed great interest in hunting in Africa, and I'm trying to help make this happen while he's still able. I've arranged a hunting trip for him to South Africa and we've managed to bring the cost down for him:

    - the guide is providing the trip at cost
    - the booking agent is waiving his fee
    - my family and I (Scott's employers through our business) are buying his plane ticket and giving him time off

    I've set up a donation page to help pay for Scott's trip. My hope is to raise some or all of the cost for Scott's trip, so that he can spend as little as possible out of pocket.

    I don't want a lot from anyone, but rather hoping many people can each chip in a little. Thanks for your time and consideration.


    Thanks in advance for helping Dan facilitate Scott's dream. Rip - thanks again for proving to be a hell of a solid human being as well.

    I appreciate all of you


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Brian - Thanks for the kind words and the awesome endorsement.

    Mark - Thank you for providing this platform to help get the word out.

    All - We've received some donations already and I'll thank you all personally through the donation site, but here's a public thank you for your help. My friend will greatly appreciate what we're doing for him. We're helping make this trip happen for a guy who realistically never would have had the chance because of his disease.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Las Vegas


    It's up to $880 now. The goal is only $3600--come on guys.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Is this sport hunting or hunting for meat?

    What is being hunted?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014


    You helped me out, so I'm in for a pound. Us Joneseses gotta stick together.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by drlvegas View Post
    It's up to $880 now. The goal is only $3600--come on guys.
    And we appreciate every donation, whether it's $5, $10, $20, or up. Scott is rather overwhelmed that so many people are helping out.

    Quote Originally Posted by jamiehowdeshell View Post
    Is this sport hunting or hunting for meat?

    What is being hunted?
    The animals hunted are the various antelope native to the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Most hunting is conducted on cattle and sheep farms (surrounded by low livestock fences that game animals can and do jump across). Hunting wild game gives it an economic value, which encourages ranchers to allow and encourage game populations on their property. Many of these animals were extirpated from the range by cattle farmers, but have since been reintroduced and allowed to flourish.

    The animals I've shot on previous trips and that Scott will shoot on this trip are fully processed. The hide and horns go to the hunter, and the meat goes back to the landowner. Every ranch has a butcher shop, and the meat is either kept or sold in the local communities. The trackers get to take home whatever organ meat they want for free for their own consumption.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    I'm in. Good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Works for me.

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