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Thread: TM squats, LP everything else - when to deadlift?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default TM squats, LP everything else - when to deadlift?

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024

    You know I'm running TM on squats only, but I know it's preferred NOT to deadlift on the squat volume day.

    What if I power clean Monday, introduce the power snatch Wednesday, and deadlift Friday BUT just run them all linearly, looking to increase each week?

    Mon: PC 5x3
    Wed: PS 8x2
    Fri: DL 1x5



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Stu Hughes View Post

    You know I'm running TM on squats only, but I know it's preferred NOT to deadlift on the squat volume day.

    What if I power clean Monday, introduce the power snatch Wednesday, and deadlift Friday BUT just run them all linearly, looking to increase each week?

    Mon: PC 5x3
    Wed: PS 8x2
    Fri: DL 1x5


    Not preferred by whom? I think Rip likes (or maybe liked, past tense?) the deadlifts on volume day, while I'm pretty sure I've seen Andy Baker respectfully opine that it may work better to pull heavy on intensity day.

    But the way you have it laid out makes perfect sense to me. But it wouldn't be a fatal flaw if you flipped the DL's and PC's between Monday and Friday, in my opinion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    New York


    Deadlifts were done on Volume day in previous editions of Practical Programming, but Rip has since reconsidered (I don't know how much input Andy had on this) and the new recommendation is to pull deads on Friday as per PPST3. The idea is that you'll be a little fresher to pull after one heavy set of squats versus five volume sets. I like deadlifting on Friday, but I'm sure there are individual preferences to consider here.

    The way you have laid it out sounds reasonable, Stu. The PC and DL format ere identical to what I'm doing presently - only I chin on Wednesday instead of snatch (I lack the technique and ceiling height to snatch!) Your version will work just fine. Remember that Wednesday is supposed to be a light day, so if your power snatches start to become really taxing, remember to adjust your programming accordingly. Because of the lighter nature of snatches compares to power cleans, and especially deadlifts, I don't anticipate this becoming a problem too soon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Thanks for the feedback!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Yeah I do the intensity day Deadlifts my last template looks like this

    I also power snatch on wednesday for 2x3, along with chins

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