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Thread: Form check request - squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Form check request - squat

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024

    I recently started training again after a (very) long break and figured my lifts could use a technique refreshment. I posted my video in the technique section and got some really valuable feedback. However, I don't seem to get it 100% right. It would be much appreciated if someone could have a look. Thank you.

    My lift a couple of days ago:

    Things I changed after the feedback: narrowed my stance, pushed out my knees more and made the start less awkward.

    My set yesterday:


    - I tried the corkscrewing cue in order to get my knees out more and it seems to work, but there's still some knee caving going on. Are there other things I can try?
    - I never feel any hamstring tension, is this normal? The day after: sore butt yes, sore hamstrings no.
    - Overall it would be really helpful to know how this squat looks to you guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I don't know what the corkscrewing cue is, but your last set of squats looked pretty good. In fact, you may be pushing your knees out too far, if anything. Your hamstrings will very rarely get sore because they don't appreciably change length during the squat. No eccentric loading = low probability of soreness. There is a longer discussion of this in the book. Your grip is really narrow. If you can tolerate that, excellent. If you get sore elbows, widen it a little. Carry on. Add more weight and do fives instead of threes. That's what I say. Nice work.

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