Got this weird one last week, right foot.

Got this ache in the heal and along the outside of the foot. Hadn't done anything out of the ordinary and it just seemed to come on as I was walking.

Was a little tender to walk on then the calf started to ache. In the morning no issues but over a few days it got progressively sorer until I was walking on toes only.

Now 5 days later and when I woke today, the ache had subsided 100%. Currently (at the end of a day of walking and standing) the ache is slightly noticeable.

I also have just realized how tight my calf muscles are. Could be as I have be walking in tiptoes or is it part of the issue?

Any thoughts? I was initially worried this was going to be another injury that was going to stop my latest attempt at lifting. It seems to have cleared up but I am interested as to the cause, the last thing I want is an injury so would like to make sure it doesn't arise again.
