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Geez, for me it's never gotten to the point where simple breaths hurt. If I take a very deep breath and try to keep on inhaling even when my lungs are full, that's when I feel it. Otherwise, it's a constant, deep dull ache that runs from the right side of the spine at about the height of T8 (this dermatome also matches the referred pain almost perfectly) over my rear delt, triceps, underside of my forearm, bottom half of my palm, and my ring and pinky fingers.
Relief comes from rolling, stretching my shoulder rotators, rear delt and triceps, and extending and locking my arms overhead as far up as I can. Aside from the bench, did you change anything else about your training? I started doing snatch grip DLs for other reasons and noticed an improvement in this situation as a side effect. I've been considering heading to a physio with a grudge for some time, but if you tell me you were able to get rid of it using the lacrosse ball then I'll just keep at it. My theracane has also helped a lot.