I feel they are a waste of time for assisting the Deadlift, and believe there are exercises giving a much better return of strength
in relation to the amount of time, energy, and number of repetitions put in.
What has been everyone else's experience?
Last edited by Meshuggah; 04-27-2016 at 12:51 PM.
My perspective comes from watching Lifetime Personal Trainers waste alot of time and money teaching newbs how to power clean/clean.
True SSC's are far better coaches, but even here, I think its a big fucking waste of time in most cases.
It takes alot of wax-on-wax-off-paint-the-fence stuff just to learn (achieving rack pos. mobility, etc) that people just don't have the time or patience to do.
Time and resources could be better spent elsewhere.
The SS power clean (if done correctly) is mostly hammy and back IMO, very little quad or glute involvement.
Hate to say this, but 3x5 jumps to a real shallow box (and then safely stepping off) would probably accomplish more than the power clean would/does for the general populace under 35-40.
or light pulls / speed deadlifts. . . .
Or paused squats with a slow eccentric and then AFAP concentric action.
Clean pull or Clean high pull would be good
I started with the SSLP template, so I've always used them, which means I don't have much outside experience.
If I had to guess, I'd say they're a good mid-level novice assistance lift. When the deadlift is too heavy to do every time, but your power clean is still a decent enough proportion of the deadlift to actually matter. Past that point it might be worthwhile to look at other options.
I dunno, I'll let you know if I feel like my pursuit of the 315 power clean gets me past my sticking point of 455 x 5 on deadlift (which won't really be decisive, nor will it tell you if a different approach would have been better).