Age: 47 Weight: 218 Height: 5'10" BF%: 22% by Navy method
Working sets on lifts:
Squat: 350 lbs for 3 sets of 5
Bench: 270 lbs for 3 sets of 5
DL: 305 lbs for 1 set of 5
Press: 160 for 3 sets of 5
Clean: 155 for 3 sets of 5
Chins: Currently doing 25-30 sets of between 2 and 3 (did 60 chins today) Trying to fix elbow

Training history: Started lifting Fall 2015 doing my own thing. Found Powerlifting to Win and jumped in at the PNP advanced novice program from May to Aug. Found SS in July (read the books) and realized that I have been doing everything wrong and started SS LP 3 weeks ago. FWIW - all other lifts (not bench) are progressing in a nice linear fashion.

Bench problem: I'm attending the SS seminar in Omaha in Oct. I've been stuck on bench for a couple months now. I got stuck on the PNP program at 1 set of 284 for 3 reps followed by 4 back off sets around 265 for sets of 3. I just never could get the 3rd one cleanly. I reset and got stuck in the same spot. Then, I switched to SS and started at 260 for 3 sets of 5. I made 5 lb jumps to 270 where RPE was 10. I increased 2 lbs to 272 and have done it twice with sets of 4,5,4 and 5,4,3. I don't want to reset because I want to be at a hard working weight for the seminar to get help with form when under max loading.

Here is what I am thinking: drop back to 265 on Monday and then increase 2 lbs per workout so that I'll be at 271 lbs for the seminar.

I really thought that switching from 3 bench days per week to the SS program would help me with recovery but I think my bench is suffering from a lack of volume. I'm considering adding 2 back off sets after my 3 sets of 5 to try and drive adaptation.

I am open to any thoughts. I lift in the mornings and I know I didn't eat enough before my last try at 272...I only had a yogurt and some milk...I simply ran out of gas. My fault...I won't make that mistake again.