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I'm consider myself a rank beginner. There was a time when I was an athlete , in my teens and early twenties I wrestled (played football and baseball as well). I live on the mat and in the weight room. I can tell by reading SS that I had no idea what I was doing in the weight room back then.
Anyway, almost 20 years later (40 years old) I've fat and out of shape. Over the years I've made a few attempts to get in shape where I watch what I eat for a few months and start lifting but then after a few months I'm back where I started. So, I consider myself a beginner give I've spent a total of 9 months training over the last twenty years, giver or take. The last time I tried getting back in the weight room I had a 1RM of 225 on bench, not sure what I could do on squat or DL. However, that was 8 years ago and , man, I'm feeling old. I can just feel that I'm know where near as strong as I used to be, and it's been noticeable the last two years. Used to be able to pick up a 16 foot canoe and carry it overhead, now I have to put portage wheels on it. There wasn't a jar I couldn't open easily, now I'm struggling a bit at times but still get them open. Carrying rock around for landscaping was easy, two 50lb bags at a time. Now 1 50lb bag seems heavy.
I read SS and have been listening to Rip's podcast and it has occurred to me that this decline in strength is a direct threat to my health. Sure, there will be some reduced strength as we age but not like what I have had. Time to lift heavy crap and get strong again.
Height- 5'5
Weight- 235
BF%- 35% per podpod
Get under 185lbs
Get under 20% BF
Bench 225+
Squat 300+
DL 400+
Squat: 45x5x5
Press: 45x5x5
DL: 95x5x1