Hi again everyone! Thank you all for all of the helpful advice you've been giving me, i feel like it's been helping a lot!
Squats at 200: I'm concerned here because my back angle just doesn't feel right and I just can't get the bar to stay over my midfoot and I feel like my depth may be a little high on some of my reps but I'm not 100% sure. I'm also concerned about the back view about one side of the bar coming up faster than the other and I'm really not sure what to do about that. Also the knees out cue is irritating the inside of my right upper thigh and I don't know why that might be. Below are the videos of the workout and those are just a few of my observations but any help would be much appreciated!
Squat 200 45 Degrees - YouTube
Squat 200 Side - YouTube
Squat 200 Back - YouTube
Deadlifts at 235: To be honest I think they look ok but I have not had anyone check these for me and I wanted to get some feedback before they get too heavy where my form might start breaking down. Also is it ok to reset after each rep within the set?
Deadlift 235 Side - YouTube
Thank you very much in advance!
Last edited by hani1994; 04-06-2017 at 09:12 AM.
Squat: Get your knees in place sooner. You are breaking at the hips first and then the knees and they are sliding forward as you descend. Knees and hips need to bend at the same time. You are also slowing down as you approach the bottom and your weight is shifting forward. Descend at a consistent speed. So knees in place sooner and keep them there. Knees are a little wobbly so get them out and keep them out. Back angle and depth are fine. Don't worry about the asymmetry yet. See if those changes help first. Nice work so far
DL: Try to get in the habit of doing them all consecutively. Focus on the squeeze more. Can you see how your back was not set as well on the third rep? Also you are on your heels a bit. Focus on pushing through the middle of your foot
Last edited by Ryan Arnold; 04-06-2017 at 09:28 AM.