I had a client with no arm today, she is missing a forearm still has a humerus. She is looking to increase her overall fitness levels and upper body strength.
Because of the missing arm she can't do back sqats but i want to replace it with front squats. Is there anything i can do to strengthenher lower back like one arm kettlebell deadlifts, with the kettlebell between legs? My wory is she will not train both sides of her body symetricaly. We have no roman chair so can't do back extensions (i want to get one asap). Is there any use for smith machine in this case? For the upper body i want to use straps on a low/high pulley to train shoulders and chest. I am looking for as many free waight spine loading exercises as i can do with her. She is in her late 40's. Anyone had a similar experience? Thanks in advance.
could she do squats in a smith machine?
She can still squat if she wants to and learns how. If not, she can still do belt squats, though they can be a pain to set up.
Interesting thread: One-Arm
I watched a one-armed guy clean and jerk last weekend. Nuts.
SSB seems like it would be pretty useful.
I also recommend the SS Bar for squats.
Good mornings with the SS Bar might be the best option for strengthening her back.
Unfortunately there is no safety bar in the gym so i think i will stick to front squats and see how we will progress from there. I am not sure what to do for lower back i think i will use kettlebells for rdls and some light deadlifts. I plan on buying more equipment in the future and will surely invest in safety bar and roman chair.