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Thread: Coming back from pneumonia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Endwell, NY

    Default Coming back from pneumonia

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    47 years old, 5'10", 227 pounds. Intermediate running a heavy-light split

    8/12/18 - cough started, completed scheduled workout at 3x5 (3 sets of five) Bench 310, 2x5 back off sets at 285 and all accessory work.
    8/13/18 - cough worse, completed scheduled workout at 3x5 Squat 395, 2x5 back off at 375, and all accessory work.
    8/15/18 - cough much worse, altered workout - completed 5x3 Press at 195. Couldn't complete any accessory work.
    8/16/18 - couldn't workout, cough much worse, headaches, crazy painful DOMS.
    8/17/18 - added fever that wouldn't go away with ibuprofen- went to MD, got chest x-ray, diagnosed with pneumonia. Started antibiotics. Stopped lifting.
    8/26/18 - Antibiotics done. Felt better, although still had cough. - Completed 3x3 Bench 305, and two light accessory lifts.
    8/27/18 - cough same. - Completed 3x3 Squat at 390 and 4x4 stiff legged deadlifts at 255 (much lighter and much less volume than normal)
    8/28/18 through today - cough much worse, headache back, severely fatigued. Couldn't workout.

    This is my first time with pneumonia. I've searched, but I don't see a lot of information in the forum. Does anyone have any experience with how and when I should come back from this, and what I can expect? I rarely to never miss workouts and this layoff is killing me, but my attempt on 8/26 and 8/27 was clearly too much, as the fatigue seems to be getting worse every day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil


    I think your antibiotics weren't enough. You should go see your doctor again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Everett, WA


    I was diagnosed with Pneumonia last summer, age 45, 5'8 and 195lb. Similar symptoms. I'm running an 8-12 week cycle of alternating SS LP and endurance training (more of an endurance athlete) so when I got sick, I was on a trail running period and stopped all exercise for the 10 day antibiotic period. Eased into a SS period but if I pushed too much, the cough came right back. Looking through my workout log, it took 11 weeks before I was feeling 100%. I understand that it would be easy to push too hard and have to be hospitalized if the pneumonia came back full force. I also understand you can do permanent damage to your lungs if it gets real bad.

    Hope that helps. Sucks to have to back off on training but try to enjoy it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Endwell, NY


    Thanks. My follow up appointment is next week. He said to come sooner if the fever returned. Since it hasn't, I guess I'll wait.

    Ugh, 11 weeks? I had read about 2-3 month recovery times for pneumonia on med sites, but I was hoping since we're "stronger and harder to kill" that it might be different for trained individuals. So you just started an LP at a lighter weight? How did you pick the weight?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Farmington Hills, MI


    Fever isn't the only cause for a re-check. Your symptoms are worsening. Time for a re-evaluation now, fever or no.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Endwell, NY


    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathon Sullivan View Post
    Fever isn't the only cause for a re-check. Your symptoms are worsening. Time for a re-evaluation now, fever or no.
    Thank you. I'll get in tomorrow. Any advice to how to tell when I'm ready to start again, and how to start back when I do?

    And I really need to tell you, Barbell Prescription completely changed my parent's lives. My mother in particular went from frequent statements about how sorry that she was that she wouldn't live to see my children married, to squatting 125 pounds, deadlifting 160, and talking about babysitting my grandchildren when they're born (20 or so years from now.) She's so happy with the changes that she's looking at putting in her own home gym so she can a 3rd day each week (the 25 minute drive to my house making that too inconvenient.)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Everett, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by CSilv2016 View Post
    Thanks. My follow up appointment is next week. He said to come sooner if the fever returned. Since it hasn't, I guess I'll wait.

    Ugh, 11 weeks? I had read about 2-3 month recovery times for pneumonia on med sites, but I was hoping since we're "stronger and harder to kill" that it might be different for trained individuals. So you just started an LP at a lighter weight? How did you pick the weight?
    I think I dropped about 20-25% across the board, just felt right at the time. Full disclosure, I was not recovering from my training, under a lot of stress from my business and probably drinking more than I should've been as a result when I came down with the the symptoms. I know this is cliche but it was important to me to be real honest with listening to my body and focusing on recovery. I think I probably prolonged my recovery by trying to push training intensity and volume too early.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Farmington Hills, MI


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by CSilv2016 View Post
    Thank you. I'll get in tomorrow. Any advice to how to tell when I'm ready to start again, and how to start back when I do?
    Start when you feel well, start low, ramp up according to how you respond. Re-set the weight and run up an LP.

    This too shall pass.

    Quote Originally Posted by CSilv2016 View Post
    And I really need to tell you, Barbell Prescription completely changed my parent's lives. My mother in particular went from frequent statements about how sorry that she was that she wouldn't live to see my children married, to squatting 125 pounds, deadlifting 160, and talking about babysitting my grandchildren when they're born (20 or so years from now.) She's so happy with the changes that she's looking at putting in her own home gym so she can a 3rd day each week (the 25 minute drive to my house making that too inconvenient.)
    This rather pleases me. Thanks.

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