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Thread: Weight loss problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Nashville. TN

    Default Weight loss problems

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    My wife and I recently started our NLP and are both obese. We have been eating a diet of whole foods while tracking calories for weight loss. She has hit a wall at 230 and can't seem to break it even with significant calorie reduction. We are down to 1700 calories now and still nothing. I am concerned that she isn't getting enough calories to fuel her training. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011


    I'd need more information to help. Age? Height? Weight? How are you tracking? Do you have a digital scale? Are you tracking everything, including liquids? Let's get that nailed down first.

    How much protein are you getting? What's the macronutrient breakdown?

    I'd recommend weighing yourself on a Tuesday morning. Get a good waist measurement too. Hips for your wife, as well. Then, track everything you eat for the next 7 days. Then, next Tuesday, weigh and measure again. At that point, you can figure out macro recommendations.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Nashville. TN


    She is 23 years old, 5'7, 230 lbs. She uses MyFitnessPal an I use my macros+. We track literally everything we ingest and only drink water. We haven't been eating nearly enough protein, about 70-100 grams per day. Upping our protein was our next goal after getting calories figured out. We are taking a step by step approach to nutrition so we aren't changing everything at once. We do a weekly weigh in and measurements on Saturday. Any particular reason you said Tuesday?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Because weekends generally are where people go off-program. Tuesday is far enough away that salty weekend food doesn't affect the measurements.

    Are you both at 1700 calories? What's the macronutrient breakdown? What's your height and weight?

    By "nothing", what do you mean? Weight hasn't budged at all? What about waistline/hips?

    70-100grams is not nearly enough protein.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Nashville. TN


    At this point, I personally am still losing weight and gaining strength, that's why I didn't include my info. For context, we did a whole30 before we started the program to curb our fast food addiction, and during that my wife lost 11 lbs, and after going from that to a whole food diet with calorie tracking, she has bounced between 229 and 231 at every weigh in. Her measurements have not changed. I hadn't been paying attention to the macro breakdown but looking at the data it is about 40% fat 40% carbs and 20% protein on average. My calories are about 2200 right now. I am 5'10" @ 276 lbs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011


    I've asked Robert Santana, RD, to weigh in.
    Last edited by Karl Schudt; 09-06-2018 at 02:55 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Phoenix, AZ


    Quote Originally Posted by halvorsenb View Post
    She is 23 years old, 5'7, 230 lbs. She uses MyFitnessPal an I use my macros+. We track literally everything we ingest and only drink water. We haven't been eating nearly enough protein, about 70-100 grams per day. Upping our protein was our next goal after getting calories figured out. We are taking a step by step approach to nutrition so we aren't changing everything at once. We do a weekly weigh in and measurements on Saturday. Any particular reason you said Tuesday?
    Can you walk me through how you are measuring your food? Cups or scales? Walk us through what 1700 calories looks like for the two of you? Also, have you had a thyroid panel done?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Nashville. TN


    We measure based on whatever the serving size of the food is. I.e., if a serving size is a cup, we use cups, if it's oz, we use scales. We haven't done a thyroid screening. An example of a day is for breakfast, 3 scrambled eggs with 2 sausage links and a cup of apple juice with creatine, for lunch an apple and a tuna sandwich on whole wheat bread, and 4 oz pasta with some chicken mixed in and 6 oz green beans. That's just one day but it's somewhat representative of our eating habits.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Phoenix, AZ


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by halvorsenb View Post
    We measure based on whatever the serving size of the food is. I.e., if a serving size is a cup, we use cups, if it's oz, we use scales. We haven't done a thyroid screening. An example of a day is for breakfast, 3 scrambled eggs with 2 sausage links and a cup of apple juice with creatine, for lunch an apple and a tuna sandwich on whole wheat bread, and 4 oz pasta with some chicken mixed in and 6 oz green beans. That's just one day but it's somewhat representative of our eating habits.
    How often are you eating foods prepared by others? Do you eat this way everyday?? Sorry for the long delay buddy!

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